Larry Perry – IOTW Report

Larry Perry

Read about Larry Perry HERE

ht/ finai

7 Comments on Larry Perry

  1. Throughout their life warriors carry the pain and suffering of survival as others fall. No words or accolades relieve the torment.
    The only comfort is when the next generation remembers the fallen and preserves the freedom they fought for and gave us.

    For the WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam Veterans, With Honor and Respect The Baton has been passed to our present day warriors and next greatest generation.

  2. Geez, how emotional. Unfortunately the children today are no longer taught how Pearl Harbor changed the world and even how we live today.

    The USS Arizona is the only Nation Cemetery at sea. There’s still over 900 Marines and Sailors entombed. RIP.

    Semper Fi

  3. May God bless Mr. Perry and the remnant of living survivors of the attack on Pearl Harbor 73 years ago to this Sunday. The youngest of the survivors have to be at least 90-91 years old now. God bless all the remaining World War 2 vets from a Vietnam vet. I first visited Pearl Harbor in the fall of 1973 when we were doing carrier quals ( aboard the USS Kitty Hawk CV-63) off of Hawaii prior to going overseas to SE Asia later that year. The carrier pier is right across from Ford Island where the Arizona lies in memoriam. A friend and I discussed all the goings on about the attack on Pearl Harbor when we were there 32 years after the attack and it was almost as if we had been there also. As an aside my 96 year old Uncle a World War 2 Navy vet is an invited guest at next Saturdays Army-Navy game in Baltimore and wild horses couldn’t keep him from going. Go Navy, I’m going to watch the game with my Dad and hopefully we’ll see my Uncle Ray in the crowd.

  4. All honor go to the men and women of the Greatest Generation. This story has me going through so many emotions especially knowing we are losing these guys so rapidly. If you haven’t had a chance to be a guardian on an Honor Flight–please try to do it, you will NOT regret it.

  5. Not to diminish his mental anguish in the least, but he looks how I feel every time I compare pre-Marxist America to today and imagine our future.

    Horror and grief.

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