Black Lives Matter Demands “Black Friday” be Renamed “BlackLivesMatterFriday” – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter Demands “Black Friday” be Renamed “BlackLivesMatterFriday”

Black Lives Matter plans to boycott Black Friday, claiming that a way to spread awareness of their movement is to hurt the US economy. The group also wants “Black Friday” to be renamed “BlackLivesMatterFriday.”

“Let’s hit America where it hurts!” reads BLM’s website. “I challenge you not to spend one dime on “Black Friday”. Let’s black it out, and make sure not one black face is littering the local mall!”

The group is using the catchphrase “Hands Up, Don’t Shop:”
black_friday racists

A Facebook group devoted to the boycott exclaims that “we must slow or stop the american economy around retail Goods [sic].”

It further reads, “Black Friday has been shown as a day were people put shopping before people lives and we are not ok with that especially when hundreds of unarmed people of color are gunned down by police every year with no charges filed against the police officers –we are taking black friday back from the nation and permanently renaming it #BLACKLIVESMATTERFRIDAY.”

They have also posted images like these:

Black Lives Matters’ website is also calling for a boycott during the entire Christmas and Holiday Season:

iOTW was the first to nationally report on BLM’s boycott.

26 Comments on Black Lives Matter Demands “Black Friday” be Renamed “BlackLivesMatterFriday”

  1. Oh no no… Not in the south west! you get in the way of some shoppers and you will suffer a beat down that would make the LAPD/Rodney King incident look like a tickle-fest.

    I Know Westfield is paying attention. Forget BLM, GREEN matters. They usually get snippy with protestors.

  2. So, if I understand this correctly, I won’t have to worry about being robbed by some thug in the parking lot as they’ll be boycotting shopping malls? Hell, that was half the fun, anticipating the opportunity to prone out some dindu nuffins at gunpoint. Now I half to stay and talk to my commie relatives. I am depressed.

  3. If blacks were all gone tomorrow. Jails could be closed. Police would not have anything to do. So lay offs. Lay offs. Lay offs. I would not feel the need to carry
    All the extra ammo I carry. So more lay offs.
    I could probably do without an alarm system. So more layoffs.

    See we really do need black people. They keep the economy humming.

  4. As if they had any fucking money to begin with! Most of the time I only see them at pawn shops for their Christmas shopping getting back the very things most of them hocked from the start.

  5. In a way, a “boycott” on black Friday is actually good for the economy since most retailers are offering extreme deals, also known as loss-leaders that actually hurt their bottom line. Most retailers, especially big box, are best off either offering no deals or shutting their doors for the day.

  6. I think they should boycott all the stores all year round. The small loss of sales would be more than made up for by the stores not having to hire so many security guards, and they won’t lose so much merchandise to shoplifters.

    It would be a much more pleasant experience not having to put up with rude, foul-mouthed, and foul-smelling blacks.

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