Dems- “There hasn’t been an American political party in worse shape in living memory. And there may never have been a party less ready to confront it.” – IOTW Report

Dems- “There hasn’t been an American political party in worse shape in living memory. And there may never have been a party less ready to confront it.”

I hesitate to do a sack dance over this article, having seen covers of magazines asking, “Is The Republican Party Dead?,” no more than 5 years ago.

Also, there is never going to be a touchdown that wins the game. The game never ends.

BUT, having said all this, this article is friggin’ beautiful to read—


Democrats in the Wilderness

Inside a decimated party’s not-so-certain revival strategy.

What happened that [election] night shocked even the most pessimistic Democrats. But in another sense, it was the reckoning the party had been expecting for years. They were counting on a Clinton win to paper over a deeper rot they’ve been worrying about—and to buy them some time to start coming up with answers. In other words, it wasn’t just Donald Trump. Or the Russians. Or James Comey. Or all the problems with how Clinton and her aides ran the campaign. Win or lose, Democrats were facing an existential crisis in the years ahead—the result of years of complacency, ignoring the withering of the grass roots and the state parties, sitting by as Republicans racked up local win after local win.

The Democrats’ desolation is staggering. But part of the problem is that it’s easy to point to signs that maybe things aren’t so bad. After all, Clinton did beat Trump by 2.8 million votes, Obama’s approval rating is nearly 60 percent, polls show Democrats way ahead of the GOP on many issues and demographics suggest that gap will only grow.

But they are stuck in the minority in Congress with no end in sight, have only 16 governors left and face 32 state legislatures fully under GOP control. Their top leaders in the House are all over 70. Their top leaders in the Senate are all over 60. Under Obama, Democrats have lost 1,034 seats at the state and federal level—there’s no bench, no bench for a bench, virtually no one able to speak for the party as a whole.

There are now fewer than 700 days until Election Day 2018, as internal memos circulating among Democratic strategists point out with alarm. They differ in their prescriptions, but all boil down to the same inconvenient truth: If Republicans dominate the 2018 midterms, they will control the Senate (and with it, the Supreme Court) for years, and they will draw district lines in states that will lock in majorities in the House and across state capitals, killing the next generation of Democrats in the crib, setting up the GOP for an even more dominant 2020 and beyond.


ht/ c. steven tucker

30 Comments on Dems- “There hasn’t been an American political party in worse shape in living memory. And there may never have been a party less ready to confront it.”

  1. Bookmarked to send to a “friend” who will have a hate fueled rage on all day tomorrow. Known him 30 years and one election he tossed our friendship aside-just like I did his annual Xmas card this year.


  2. A conciliatory reach around the aisle:

    Just because the winning team has a “The beatings will continue, until morale improves” poster over the coffee maker, doesn’t mean it’s their super secret strategery.

  3. Don’t cry for the socialists.
    Their ideology is a putrescent miasma polluting every school in America.
    They will raise another false god, some befuddled idol – like Obola – to confuse and confound the young and the stupid – the old and the hateful. They await the emergence of another Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, Tito, Chavez, Ortega, Pot, Kim, Hoxha, Ceausescu, Carter, or Clinton to lead them to the Third Kingdom, which is, luckily for them, just beyond the next mountain, or across the next river. Socialism is a bacillus which cowers in the drapes, the schools, the carpet, biding its time until it can unleash its unholy vengeance upon mankind.
    All that is necessary is a momentary lapse of vigilance on the part of those who would keep it at bay.
    In a perfect world, it, and its acolytes, would be extinguished – not simply left to fester.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Both parties are awful and refuse to confront their problems.

    The McCain, Graham, Corker, Bush remnants can be counted on to be a pain in the Tea Party’s ass and to join Dems whenever they can.

    Republicans won despite many undermining their own candidate.

    Trump is President but is he the leader of the Republican Party?

  5. an excellent read, but what worries me more than anything is the 2016 2.8 million diff in favor of hillary

    we dodged a bullet electorally, but trump will need to turn this ship 180, show the vision of a greater america where all benefit, and demonstrate success that we can feel on all fronts

    people don’t feel safe, folks are hurting economically, the border threatens our sovereignty and existence as a country, and bad guys are winning overseas

  6. We cannot rest even for a second. Don’t think that the dems aren’t looking at this loss under a microscope. They might not be saying anything publicly, but they know why they lost. Their next 4 years will be spent sharpening their lies and figuring out where to put in voter fraud in a much larger scale than we’ve ever seen. Having said that, I think in 2020 if Trump looks unbeatable, they’ll trot our Fakahauntis Warren or some other loser as a sacrificial lamb. Their eyes will be set on 2024, when, mark my words, Corey Booker will be praised as the next coming of Barack Obama.

  7. This is my favorite line from the article:
    “Van Hollen, who masterminded Democrats’ pickup of 21 House seats in 2008, only to lose 60 in the 2010 midterm wipeout, is seen as one of the party’s canniest strategists. ”
    Soooo in other words van hollen masterminded the loss of 39 house seats between 2008 and 2010. LOL and he’s one the party’s “canniest strategists” Ok. If you say so.

  8. Clinton’s “vote lead” came from one state, California, which is notorious for allowing illegals to vote. Plus, Republicans are so demoralized there, that many don’t even bother voting at all, mostly out of fear of being hassled by their scumbag democrat neighbors and “friends”.

    Most polls grossly oversample democrats and independents. And most people are know are sick and goddamn tired of the democrats and their phony bullshit.

  9. They got beat like an old rug.
    Ellison, Jehmu, Pocahontas, DNC doesn’t need white leaders Symone, mediocre negroes Hill,
    Just part of the Dim think tank they are going to run out.
    The funniest thing about all this is Progs have absolutely no self-awareness and will do exactly the same shit that got them in this to begin with.
    The Republican party is dying, the Democrat party is dead, the people don’t believe a damn thing they say anymore.
    The internet did them in, if the Republicans can get behind Trump and he turns the country around they may come out of the coma. If they continue the protect your buddy dance the people who brought them will again abandon them.
    The digital age has now brought the presidency within grasp of a lot more people.

  10. Could be that their envy has reached the tipping point and violence is their last resort. If so, they ARE finished. The Trump administration and Congress must de-fund their agenda at every turn.

  11. The election process has to be cleaned up at the National level or the dems will wipe us out in 16. Every ballot should have a photo, legible hand print, and signature. Eliminate Motor Voter. Give each voter a printed receipt that can be verified, doing away with rigged voting machines.

  12. Trump has 4 years to establish national Voter photo/citizenship ID, by FEC regulation or legislation.
    And he can quickly send millions of current illegal Dem voters scurrying back to Mexico.

    Voter fraud can be stamped out fast. Send a couple of California/Detroit/Philly election officials off to long prison terms.
    Create a national 800 tip line with YUGE $ rewards for turning in crooked election workers, high and low.
    Fraud will stop fast once the stakes become high, penalties severe, and chances of getting caught increase.

    Do that and the Dems will never rise again.
    Oh, and Lock Them Up.
    Clintons, Soros, Jarrett and more to come.

  13. One of the first things Trump needs to do is gather up all the illegals BHO planted, with the use of data mining, in the red states and send them home, especially the unaccompanied children. Give them a one way ticket, maybe a little cash to hold them over, and on their way.

    Then go after the rest of lawbreakers. No amnesty. If Hilton and others needs maids, they need to pay the market price just like we do when we rent a room.

    Make Ike smile in heaven.

  14. Ah the esteemed Ebonics mayor of Atlanta weighs in with his wisdom.
    Will someone let him in on it that the space shuttle re-enters earths atmosphere……and not “environment”?
    Whatever the phuq that means?
    Also another gripe—– The part about Mnuchin foreclosing on a 90-year old over ten cents ( or whatever).
    Source please? Was she delinquent for years and years a la Jermaine Dupree in Atl who was given 5 years to get his mortgage up to date and they nailed him and evicted on technicality.?
    Didn’t Warren sheister an old couple out of a few hundred thou on a house deal?
    Well it is PolitiHo after all. Sources shmources.

  15. They make it sound like the republicans has some master plan. Well the way the primary went their plan lost. It was all DJT on his own and those on the internet (BFH, Drudge, Hope & Change,) and many great CONSERVATIVE bloggers that made the change. We the people are tired of the career politician.
    And there are some great ideas on this thread alone. I hope President (oh I love to say that) Trump has someone reading these great blogs and reporting back to him what we the people really think.
    My reading list holds about 35 blogs I routinely read and links to another 100+ that I read on occasion.

  16. The dems may be out in the wilderness, but they’re wounded animals whose last resort will be violence and terrorism to regain power. They’ll never do it by their superior ideas and honest integrity. These people are clinically insane and mentally ill. They’re dangerous and can’t be reasoned with rationally.

  17. Gas bloated carcass rich in maggots and beetles. It will burst on its own in a while so let’s not poke it with a stick just yet. Old fogies and hags bearing stale ideas. The young in the mix are stupid. Sad … NOT!

  18. Lets face it, their platform is racism, importing latin poor to mow lawns and clean toilets and have the far east make everything.
    I sincerely hope that they get a real platform and different point of view. Not having an effective opposition is not healthy.

  19. @wizzum January 19, 2017 at 10:29 pm

    > Not having an effective opposition is not healthy.

    Just because those second amendment extremist freaks all have beer guts, doesn’t mean they’re not healthy. Just ask the voluptuous second amendment extremist freaks that hate them.

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