German politician kept quiet about gang rape by Arabic men to avoid ‘encouraging racism’ – IOTW Report

German politician kept quiet about gang rape by Arabic men to avoid ‘encouraging racism’

ExpressUK: Selin Goren, a 24-year-old politician and refugee activist, was sexually assaulted by the group last January in the city of Mannheim.

After she was pushed to the ground, two men sexually assaulted her while a third verbally abused her in a foreign language – probably Kurdish or Farsi.

While initially struck by fear, she eventually fled after she bravely fought back.

A member of the public who saw her in a distraught state soon afterwards called the police.

However, despite the fact the men were Arabic in appearance, she told officers they were a “mixed group” of foreigners and locals and that they had all been speaking German.  more here

17 Comments on German politician kept quiet about gang rape by Arabic men to avoid ‘encouraging racism’

  1. Meanwhile let’s just ignore the absolute HARD-CORE RACISM being practiced today by Hitler’s Arab Supremacists on a world-wide savage rampage of indiscriminate murder and mayhem by bombing, shooting, stabbing, stoning, axing and raping anything not like them, and in particular Western, that moves!
    28,758 Deadly attacks since 9/11
    2016 Bombathon
    In the name of iSlam: 1651 kills
    All other religions: 0

  2. She is just as bad as her attackers now. And a contributor to her countries problem. Her ideology will cause more rape upon her fellow citizens.

  3. Moe Tom, could not agree more. I keep hoping that those who wrought this hell-on-earth for average citizens will get a good dose of the suffering they be created.

  4. What manner of mental infacility would cause someone to do such a thing?
    Sort of an instantaneous Stockholm Syndrome?

    How can anyone be so “reality inverted” and survive to adulthood?
    God Help Us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I don’t think your father would give a rat’s ass what skin color they were when he got his hands on them after they gang raped you sweetheart.

  6. Speaking of trigger warnings, those Dumbed-Down, Politically Correct, Lederhosen-wearing, Socialist Dummkopfs on the Left are so stupid they probably think Rape Whistles are for illegal “migrants” to use so that they’ll know when they’re coming!

  7. This is what the left will put up with for their agenda. Just stunning…and tragic. How in the world do people get to this point. She is the second woman in Germany to do this that has gone public, finally. Wonder if there is more. They would put up with this and stay silent all for their precious agenda.

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