Globalist Republican Senators (GOPe) Who Voted For Unlimited Spending Bill – IOTW Report

Globalist Republican Senators (GOPe) Who Voted For Unlimited Spending Bill

First, let’s start off with this eye-roller:

romney ryan tweet speaker

What a buncha cu…
Anyway, on to that list of Republicans – with a little background on GOPe stupidity.

12 Comments on Globalist Republican Senators (GOPe) Who Voted For Unlimited Spending Bill

  1. I’ll bet there is an amazing correlation between the list of Republican senators that voted against this and the list of Republican senators that are up for re-election in 2016.

  2. Of course our near worthless, career-oriented Senator Barrasso voted for this travesty. He and our other RINO senator, Enzi, have a bad-cop/good-cop thing going. They often alternate in selling out Wyoming and the country, or playing (yes, playing) the role of arch-conservative as GOP Establishment needs dictate.

    Barrasso’s Conservative Review Liberty Score? Unsurprisingly, an ‘F’!

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