Hamas ‘Rolls’ Out New Tank They Captured From Israel and Rebuilt – IOTW Report

Hamas ‘Rolls’ Out New Tank They Captured From Israel and Rebuilt

Hamas palestinian fake tank

FreedomDaily: During a memorial service Saturday for seven Hamas militants killed when the tunnel they were in collapsed on them, Hamas rolled out what it called a “locally-produced” tank it said was fashioned out of an Israel Defense Forces’ tank captured two years ago.

However, a number of observers, both Palestinian and Israeli, noticed that there was something odd about the armored fighting machine which a Hamas spokesman warned would be used on the “path of jihad.”  MORE

13 Comments on Hamas ‘Rolls’ Out New Tank They Captured From Israel and Rebuilt

  1. I was hoping an Israeli jet would fly over and blow it to smithereens. Show the morons celebrating it how solid their “tank” really is. Of course the environmentalists would claim the wood smoke from the burning “tank” was creating climate change.

  2. Israel should just totally destroy Hamas and their phony tanks, rockets, sucide bombers, ect. and get it over with. If the rest of the world and UN don’t like it ……..Too bad, they have nothing too lose.

  3. Golly the Muslims have invented a potemkin tank! That is really original thinking. Must be what Obutthole means when he prattles on about all the contributions and inventions that the Muzzies have made for the enhancement of the world!

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