Hawaii: Convicted murderer/accused serial killer sentenced to life, gets out early – IOTW Report

Hawaii: Convicted murderer/accused serial killer sentenced to life, gets out early

Miracles can happen!  [When you get the right judge]

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow)

William “Willie” Medeiros, Jr. was supposed to die in prison.

A local newspaper, on the front page of a morning edition printed nearly 46 years ago, said Medeiros was being “whisked” away to state prison, where he would “spend the rest of his natural life” behind bars.

Convicted of one murder and accused of three others, most Hawaii residents figured Medeiros would never again see life outside of Halawa.

Back in 1970, when he was just 25 years old, Medeiros was listed as a suspect in multiple violent murders. Ross Fitzjohn was found dead in May, and two other men – Herman Marfil and Charles Akana – were killed in November.

A witness in the Akana case – 18-year-old Mitzi Iso Klotzbach – was murdered a month later. Her body was found buried in a shallow, sandy grave along the Waianae coast. She had been shot in the head.  Sources say, Klotzbach had simply overhead a conversation about Akana’s murder and that is why she was targeted.

Two young women, identified as Klotzbach’s best friends, were placed in protective custody as they prepared to testify against Medeiros that they saw him kidnap her before her murder.

They soon learned they wouldn’t have to testify after all.

In May of 1971, Medeiros pleaded guilty to Klotzbach’s killing and was sentenced to life in prison – without the possibility of parole. In exchange, the murder charges involving Marfil and Akana were dropped and the Fitzjohn investigation was closed.

The living witnesses went on with their lives, believing they would never find cause to fear Medeiros again.

But decades later, a reduction in his life sentence means he is coming home.

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10 Comments on Hawaii: Convicted murderer/accused serial killer sentenced to life, gets out early

  1. Keep it up liberal scum. We see every day the revolving door of the so called justice system with dangerous criminals coming right back out.

    Eventually good people will become vigilantes and see to it that justice is done. Then we will turn on the prosecutors and the judges for their misconduct.

  2. That is why I do not trust the courts when someone is sentenced to “life without possibility of parole.” There is no possibility parole until some judge says there is a possibility of parole.

    If Manson weren’t such a high-profile nutcase and Sirhan Sirhan had not killed a Kennedy they would both be out by now.

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