ICYMI: DC Call Girl tells all in new book: “Bill Clinton GAVE ME AIDS” – IOTW Report

ICYMI: DC Call Girl tells all in new book: “Bill Clinton GAVE ME AIDS”

I haven’t seen the book anywhere online yet.

What do you think? Is she full of crap or could there be something to this?


From August 2016:

“Bill Clinton visited me one night when he was in town, and he left me with more than a cash payment.”

CTN: Those are the words written by a former D.C. call-girl in a book set to be published next month, and she alleges that the former President’s poor health and haggard look might have something to do with the HIV+ diagnosis she received after a fling with Hillary’s hubby around the same time the former Secretary of State was announcing her presidential bid.

Mandy Cloud, the pseudonym the call-girl chose for her book which reveals details from her 14-year stint as a high-priced call girl in the world’s most powerful city, says she goes for a routine testing every other week, and Bill Clinton was the only client to whom she catered between tests in April of 2015.

Cloud writes in her memoir, entitled Red Light District, that a Clinton handler approached her through a mutual friend one week when the former President was in town on business.

The two met at the swanky Hay-Adams Hotel across from the White House, and Cloud returned several times to “service” Clinton throughout the week.  MORE

24 Comments on ICYMI: DC Call Girl tells all in new book: “Bill Clinton GAVE ME AIDS”

  1. Long before this slant on his appearance started,I have been pondering if it beyond the pale to speculate about Hillary offing Bill just before the election to garner the sympathy vote. Anyone else think she is capable of adding Bill to the body count? Remember when Obamas granny conveniently passed away the day before election day 2008? Nah…I mean there some lines even Hillary won’t cross,right?

  2. This is a vast right wing conspiracy.
    Hill and Bill will just “power through this” — OR —
    Just lie, that’s how they’ve power through raising Billion$ of dollars in their foundation scam, the murders in Benghazi, and the national security e-mail crisis Hillary caused, obstruction of justice, incompetence, whitewater, pay to play and money laundering (just to name a few).

  3. Sounds like a standard Clintonian strawman for Hillary’s MSM to torch with a “factcheck”, like the phony medical records last month. They’ve run this scam for years.

    If a hooker will take money from Slick once, she’ll gladly take much more a second time to turn a different trick. She’ll be “proven” a liar by the media, and retire to a beach house.

    But yeah, he’s got The Slims, just like Hillary hasn’t got four more years.

  4. I remember Democrats, with regards to Anita Hill: ‘women don’t lie’ about this kind of stuff and ‘the nature of the allegation is serious enough to have hearings’.

    Well, whats changed? Oh, yah, the target is a democrat- the bitch is a lying liar who lies.

    Hillary make sure to give Jennifer Flowers a wave debate night. If there is only a way Trump can work an answer to one of the question “as I was discussing the other day with Jennifer Flowers…”

  5. Bill needs to go for an aids screening. I thought aids had a longer incubation period than 2 weeks.

    Either way, Bill doesn’t look so healthy these days. Maybe he is being kept awake at night by the souls of 50 dead people.

  6. I don’t have any special knowledge about this, but beware sites like the source of this one. For a Christian Newpaper, it has surprisingly few stories about Christian issues. It’s mostly politics… and provocative stories at that. It’s recently been speculated that the left has begun salting the internet with faux conservative sites filled with Bullshit stories…. to bait conservatives into picking up the stories… this could later be used by the UN to shut down your site….

  7. @stevo. She said when Hillary first started running for prezzident, which would have been in 2007-2008. So the normal incubation period for HIV could be valid. I said months ago that SickSlick has AIDS. The gaunt face, withering body, sack of bones physique is more than normal aging. And the admitted and proven whoring around does give probable cause. Sad thing is , how many others have been recipients of the Clinton legacy of death?

  8. No book entitled RED LIGHT DISTRICT by Mandy Cloud was found using an advanced search of Google’s book database, nor was this book+author combination found in a search at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble websites.

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