BW: For the life of me, I cannot figure out WHY the President and other Democrats continuously defend Islam after events like Orlando. Even to the detriment of constitutional freedoms of gun owners. Yes, I know that most Dems hate guns.

Yes, I know that gun grabbers sit and wait for incidents involving the AR-15 platform and death to push an agenda of disarmament. I live in California where, following the San Bernardino attack, Lt. Gov. Newsom began essentially working to outlaw every semi-automatic weapon. But, WHY choose Islam as an ally rather than American Citizens.

Now, before the lefty militant wing attacks me for clearly stating that the terrorist is an American citizen, let me state the following:


But, that doesn’t excuse the fact that of the Dem’s rush to defend Islam and the violence that has been perpetrated by Islamic Extremists at home and abroad.  MORE


  1. Let’s break down the official numbers from the CDC.

    There are roughly 32,000 deaths a year in the US and the number is declining from Gun Violence.

    60% are suicides, those equal 19,200.
    3% are accidents, those equal 960.
    4% are justified, those equal 1,280.
    33% are homicides, those equal 10,560.
    80% of the homicides are gang related, those equal 8,448.

    That leaves 1,712 in a society of 312 million people.

    That leaves a 0.00010256410256 % chance of death by gun.
    0.000008564102564% if you don’t hang out in the hood, are not planning on committing suicide, and not planning a crime.

    AMERICA DOES NOT have a gun problem.
    We have a liberal problem.

  2. *SIGH*
    No totalitarian state can exist without “gun” control.
    No state can transition to totalitarian without first eliminating the populace’s means of defense.
    The point of “gun” control is NOT to make anyone safer, but to make EVERYONE susceptible. Plain facts are plain facts. And if the schools hadn’t been indoctrination centers for the past 100 years, we wouldn’t be having the “debate.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Islam is not compatible with any free society.
    Any supporter of Islam is not compatible with any free society.
    Any defender of Islam is not compatible with any free society.
    Any practitioner of Islam…
    Islam must be destroyed.

  4. Notice too that when ever something big happens that involves Islam extremists (which happens on almost a daily or weekly occurance), the Regressives always retort with “Well Timothy McVeigh……”

    Yeah, that happened over 20+ years. Let’s compare all these so-called Christian Right Wing attacks in the US since the day after McVeigh to the last 8 years of Obozo. Or the last 4. Or 2016.

  5. Islam wolves are patient, like the Communists. It’s a long term strategy. If takes 100 years so be it. They don’t mind the Left being their allies. They are counting on the left to disarm and neutralize the Patriots of this country. Let the regressive sheep do their dirty work for them.

    Once the main threat is out of the way, the wolves will then eat the sheep without any opposition.

  6. RightWinger – a number of years ago, about a year after 9/11, I was on a flight next to an older gentleman who was a Christian from Iran. His family came to the States right before the war to get away from the persecution that was going on (not anything new). Anyway he educated me on a lot of things islamic, but he said at the time we are looking at a 50 year war, minimum. It is a long term strategy, especially when you consider they’ve been at it for 1400 years!
    As for Communists, such as the ones in the White House, it’s all about the chaos. With more chaos, they can “justify” ever more control. As the Worthless Doorknob’s Former Chief Of Staff Rahm Emanuel sez: “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. It is easy to see that chaos is their best friend and whether they are directly responsible for a particular event or not, they certainly enable it and feed off of it. I have no doubt that as we near the end of the Commie-loving, Marxist Muzlim Chameleon’s regime the chaos will ramp up even more!

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