Kasich: I’m not endorsing Trump — or serving as his VP – IOTW Report

Kasich: I’m not endorsing Trump — or serving as his VP

kasich trump argue

KOAT:Even now that he’s left the race, Kasich is resisting calls to serve as Trump’s No. 2, portraying his pitch and Trump’s as fundamentally incompatible. Kasich said he was “not inclined” to run with Trump and that he had “not changed my mind.”

“Those are two very inconsistent messages, so it would be very hard for me — unless he were to change all of his views and become a uniter — for me to get in the middle of this thing,” the Ohio governor told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in an exclusive interview, his first since leaving the race. “Because, you know, I’m undecided here about what I’m gonna do in this race.”  more

24 Comments on Kasich: I’m not endorsing Trump — or serving as his VP

  1. Just go be the freaking governor you were elected to be, asshole. Can you shut up and do that? I’d rather see stoner Gary Johnson on the ticket than you.

  2. Like Trump would choose this little RINO weasel.

    Sounds like a cry baby,
    ” I know it’s your ball, I don’t wanna play, but I’m not going home.”

    johnny boy, you are irrelevant and an embarrassment to the great state of Ohio.

  3. Oh darn, what will we do? We lost another conservative Republican !

    as an aside:
    Anyone else think it’s darling that Romney criticizes Trump as not conservative? For real?
    Romneycare = Obamacare, Taxachusetts and the Big Dig,
    and then there’s polygamy and his family’s Meheecan dual citizenship history…..

  4. He’s probably already accepted HRC’s invitation to be VP for the Demonrat Party.

    Or maybe the CPUSA …

    y’know he’s the son of a mailman, don’cha?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. That begs the question as to why he got in the race. He’s a smart guy, he knew he had no chance to win but that he could just siphon enough votes off Cruz to cripple him. So instead of an exciting race to a must see convention (regardless of who won) we now see a crowning well before hand that the voters won’t tune into. This man has another agenda which will probably come out soon.

  6. Was Kasich at Lehman Bros. when they were busy plundering the US Treasury over that TARP bullshit?

    Are these evil corrupt malefactors seriously concerned that Mr. Trump (Pres. Trump) may actually open the records and expose their thieving, lying thefts?

    Something is making them hate Trump, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the “Wall” or stopping the rabid savage izlamists from murdering Americans.

    Is Trump serious about corruption?

    The House, Senate, FDIC, SCROTUS, lower courts, AG, Fed, and a host of others are up to their eyeballs in filth – and treachery – and treason.

    Something smells …

    izlamo delenda est …

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