Scientists Find World’s Largest Sponge – IOTW Report

Scientists Find World’s Largest Sponge


Oops. Wrong sponge

15 Comments on Scientists Find World’s Largest Sponge

  1. Can someone explain to me, why when I look at the first one (sponge) I’m full of awe and fascination, and when I’m looking at second one(sponge) I’m full of repulsion and vomit.
    Is it because second is fake one? 😉

  2. They should have pictured the two sponges together, so we could get an idea of scale.

    But then I suppose the real, live, oceanic sponge would have been dwarfed.

    Or maybe they didn’t want to expose the ocean sponge to the toxic waste that the Moore Sponge is.

  3. A truly grave insult to Poriferans in the oceans on a global scale. As a marine biologist, I’m physically, emotionally, and ethically offended.I’m gona file a law suit! I’m sure the SPLC and the ACLU will back me up!

  4. Shaunqueefus May 29, 2016 at 10:28 am

    7000 feet? Wow.

    Biggest sponge ever found is near tallest mountain in the world.

    Makes sense.

    ( Not highest – tallest )

  5. “Highest” is highest peak above sea level.
    “Tallest” is greatest distance between base and peak.
    “Fattest” is Michael Moore.
    “Stupidest” is Joey Biden.
    “Corruptest” is HRC.

    Hope this helps.

    izlamo delenda est …

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