State Dept. plans New Year’s Eve release of Clinton emails – IOTW Report

State Dept. plans New Year’s Eve release of Clinton emails

hillary behind curtain

Washington Examiner:

Thousands of Hillary Clinton’s private emails will hit the Internet on New Year’s Eve thanks to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that permits the State Department to wait until the end of each month to release the documents.

The holiday email release will mark the eighth time the agency has published a batch of Clinton’s records according to the monthly schedule. The first release came in May of this year and contained fewer than 300 emails, all of them related to Benghazi.



15 Comments on State Dept. plans New Year’s Eve release of Clinton emails

  1. I like Boobies comment, but completely agree with Redskin.
    You have no idea how important this election is.
    There will be mass voter fraud in key districts in Florida and Ohio.
    Dems will be out voting multiple times in order to make Billary win, and it scares the shit out of me.

    Hillary wins, she nominates 2 liberal SCOTUS, and we can kiss our country goodbye.

  2. They only needed to release her first criminal email and then arrested her for treason. How many criminal emails does Abuela Clinton get anyway? Does she have a thousand get out of jail free cards (one for every known Willy Bob paramour)?

  3. Along the same lines: Once it is proven that Obama is\was\never has been eligible to be POTUS, his two Supreme Court appointments will be null and void. This will give the next president three vacant spots immediately. Then 2 or 3 more in the coming years. Don’t think the DNC\RNC are unaware of this.

  4. Seems to be getting more difficult for her. So she releases it before the holiday. There are now enough people waiting to fish through that mess. I read she also is facing a RICO trial in January from Judicial Watch. Now, Trump fired an 18 inch salvo over her listing tuna boat. She is just walking dead now. They don’t have enough fingers among all the Clinton sycophants to plug all the leaks in the about to burst dam

  5. I’m stunned she would engage in such tomfoolery…

    All of them will be unreadable. Every noun, adjective, verb, adverb, until its only ‘the’, ‘and’, and ‘is’. OK not even is. The point being these emails were so harmless they had to sharpie the hell out of them.


  6. She is a major figure in the Nomenklatura, a member of the Politburo, and is, thus, above suspicion.

    Her high crimes, misdemeanors, treasons, corruptions, and murders are of no concern of the proletariat.

    The proletarians need to get back to grubbing for tubers and leave their betters alone.

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