The Last Man To Walk On The Moon Walks The Earth No More- RIP GENE CERNAN – IOTW Report

The Last Man To Walk On The Moon Walks The Earth No More- RIP GENE CERNAN


One can truly say that we have now passed out of perhaps the golden age of space flight .  Apollo 17 Commander and the last man to stand on the moon, Gene Cernan, died today at the age of 82.


This is upsetting me more than it should.   So few people were interested in the moon landings by that time that they canceled the remaining three missions.  There where 35 astronauts waiting for their chance to go.

I guess the news isn’t a complete disaster.  There are still 6 astronauts alive who walked on the moon.

BFH Update-

Cernan, the 2nd American to spacewalk, taught NASA a great lesson on Newton’s 3rd law. Modifications were made after his failed mission. (His heart rate was 170 BPM after they tasked him to do a simple building project outside the capsule.)

20 Comments on The Last Man To Walk On The Moon Walks The Earth No More- RIP GENE CERNAN

  1. Those astronauts are a bunch of brave guys! I s’pose if someone held a gun to my head and said they would shoot right then and there if I don’t get on that rocket I would probably get on, but that might be the only way. It’s a shame tom hanks is in it, but Apollo 13 is still a movie I would watch again.

  2. When it comes to the spectacular Apollo project, I have to set aside my deep seated contempt for govt. All those involved were exceptional men and women and I hold them in the highest esteem.

    My exact location and surroundings when Apollo 11 landed on the Sea of Tranquility in July 1969 are etched in my memory (it was in the Enlisted Men’s Club at Fitzsimmons Hospital in Aurora Colorado). Chills still hit me sometimes when I think of what went into that half-million-mile round trip and its following Apollo voyages.

    Michael Collins, the man who stayed in lunar orbit while Armstrong and Aldrin went down, later became the head of the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum. I was a volunteer worker for a few years during his tenure and was honored to have the chance to meet and talk with him a few times. Whenever anyone asked him if he felt left out of the landing, he’d smile and say simething like, “Sure thing, I’d have loved to have been in on that. But my role was absolutely essential and that makes it all not just OK but wonderful. It was an honor be be a part of that mission.” A great man, that.

    RIP Gene Cernan

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