The More Plausible Story Is That Trump Was Being Set Up By Obama’s Confederates – IOTW Report

The More Plausible Story Is That Trump Was Being Set Up By Obama’s Confederates

Conservative Treehouse-

Ms. Natalia Veselnitskaya is pictured seated in the front row directly behind former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Mr. Michael McFaul at the House Foreign Affairs Committee. This is June 14th, 2016, five days after the reported meeting with Donald Trump Jr.

It’s enough to make you wonder what exactly is the nature of the relationship between Natalia Veselnitskaya and President Obama’s appointees such that they would be visibly working together only a few days after her reported meeting with Donald Trump Jr. in Trump Tower….

20 Comments on The More Plausible Story Is That Trump Was Being Set Up By Obama’s Confederates

  1. Just doing what she’s told like a good slave. It’s amazing how so many democrats are attracted to the plantation to this day.
    Must be nostalgia, longing for the “good old days”

  2. The insistence in three email that the Russian government wanted to help elect Trump I found very peculiar. Who is this “friend” who set him up? Was he set up too?

  3. I think this meeting was set up by the deep state as the pretext for the bullshit surveillance requests which ultimately brought the Obama/Hillary Axis nothing, Manafort and Kushner had already been asked about this meeting some time ago, and apparently their answers raised no alarm bells with interrogators. That was not unexpected by the Deep State, because the setup meeting had gotten them the surveillance they wanted, and it wasn’t in their interest to shed more light on the setup meeting at the time. But when it became clear to the Deep State that the witch-hunt was coming up dry, they circled back to the setup meeting and repurposed it. They had their Russian lawyer leak the emails, in one last desperate Hail Mary smear. It seems likely now that the whole collusion witch-hunt began, and will end, with this 20-minute meeting about nothing.

    And for all the sweaty thumbs out there who are fretting about how dumb the meeting was, just shut up with your Monday morning QB, stop reading the email quatrains, and drink a tall glass of perspective and context. Trump and his people had no idea that the Dems and Deep State were going to go balls-to-the-wall with Russia Collusion. Obama and Hillary had no idea Trump would win. We are done with the Collusion crap.

  4. I think you all are missing the real danger. There’s an investigation into possible collusion going on right now and it’s loaded with dems. This investigation has VERY broad powers. This could be an avenue for them to demand access to the Trump servers. After that, I doubt it matters whether the Trump group “intended to break the law”, there will be a never ending dribble of info that will be spun into damage. End result is Trump has to spend all his time defending and none of his time on offense.

  5. The TRILLIONS in national debt.
    The dysfunctional healthcare system.
    The corrupt banking system.
    A damaged military.
    Turbocharged cronyism in Agriculture, Energy, Education.
    Citizenship, the national border, voting legitimacy are all archaic concepts now.
    Your “Representatives” care not a whit about anything but themselves

  6. Thirdtwin JULY 12, 2017 AT 8:37 AM
    Hewie Hewitt is not even talking about it this morning. And the radio news is only playing clips of late-nite TV guys joking about it. It’s dead, Jim….
    But all 3 networks and the local news had it as their lead story and have for several days.

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