There’s A Huge Hole In Hillary Clinton’s Defense Of Her ‘Deplorables’ Comment – IOTW Report

There’s A Huge Hole In Hillary Clinton’s Defense Of Her ‘Deplorables’ Comment

In other words, Trump’s “behavior” on the “Access Hollywood” tape couldn’t have been the reason Clinton associated the word “deplorable” with Trump supporters.


There’s A Huge Hole In Hillary Clinton’s Defense Of Her ‘Deplorables’ Comment

20 Comments on There’s A Huge Hole In Hillary Clinton’s Defense Of Her ‘Deplorables’ Comment

  1. Now hold on a minute….I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Sir Edmund’s and her handlers knew that the Abscess Hollywood tape was waiting in the wings but didn’t know when that trap was going to be sprung. Like the media don’t talk to one another and don’t coordinate messages?
    They thought the tape was going to be the coup d’grace for DJT and didn’t notice that the brand name “Acme” was written on the videocassette label.
    But then again, she’s a Clintoon and her lips were moving.

  2. I think when this woman(…and I use that term loosely) fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down also suffered significant brain damage and irreversible diarrhea of the mouth.

  3. I’m not really sure who were audience is. I restarted my own personal campaign, to devoid my computer of every single image of this hag there is. Why doesn’t she just join the other snakes under the rocks?

  4. She holds her own voters in contempt, remember she caught saying she was beginning to hate everyday Americans in the Wikileaks email dump. She meant it, it felt good when she said it, she can’t even fully renounce it because that is what she believes in her heart. Elitist piece of trash. This book tour just reminds me how thankful I am she lost Nov 8th. She isn’t very bright, a person with nominal intelligence would know when to cut their loses.

  5. I think it’s great that she continues to prove Steve Bannon right. She is so stupid that if she had an original idea and a cold drink of water at the same time, it would kill her dead.

  6. The “huge hole” in her story is not that big a deal really. She was using that as a point as to why she thought he was deplorable, regardless of time frame. Basically, she was justifying her “deplorable” comment with what came out afterward about him.

    I despise that woman to the core, but, this is a nothing story. It’s not a gotcha moment at all, IMHO. Wake me up when she’s indicted for her actual crimes……….

  7. A commenter in the linked story pointed out that Hillary might not have been lying in this one case, because the Dems had the Access Hollywood tapes well in advance of them dropping on the public. They were just waiting for an opportune moment.

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