This is CNN- Choreographed News Network – IOTW Report

This is CNN- Choreographed News Network

Additional footage of the staged sympathetic Muslim rally supporting London and condemning the attacks has surfaced.

In this footage you clearly see the people who eventually make their way in front of the CNN cameras just milling around on a street corner. You see them handed signs by white guys and then brought across the police tape where flowers, flowers THEY NEVER HAD, were placed at their feet.

This is outrageous and it’s being swept under the prayer rug.

7 Comments on This is CNN- Choreographed News Network

  1. The people being choreographed in this fake news staged rally have ruined significant sections of London and many other great cities. They are vermin. Since Tolerance is more important than Survival in these cities, it is only going to get much worse. It will end in Rivers of Blood one day.

  2. Snopes reports:
    The small group of Muslims at the demonstration (actually a vigil, according to the participants, who were there of their own volition) asked police for permission to cross the police barrier to be photographed. The police assented and escorted them into position. The shot was “arranged” only to the extent necessary to fit the group into the camera frame.

    Snopes keeps their “FACT CHECK” LIE on their website.

  3. Go to YouTube and just search “pallywood.” I know many are familiar with this but it’s a good time to introduce people who aren’t aware of how news is staged and reported.

  4. I wonder if
    is a crime in the UK anymore.

    If CNN ever aired that footage in the USA,
    that might open the door to some action.

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  1. Hey Snopes! Are you ready to change your "FACT CHECK"? - PolitOpinion - Your Voice Counts

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