White Berkeley Professor Calls Authentic Mexican Mariachi Band Culturally Insensitive – IOTW Report

White Berkeley Professor Calls Authentic Mexican Mariachi Band Culturally Insensitive


A Berkeley professor, Hugh Jassel, has called for the disbandment of all mariachi bands because they are “racially and cultural insensitive.”

“It ridicules Spanish people, with the outfits and the stereotypical music.”

When pointed out that this IS the culture of Spanish people, Professor Jassel said, “and that’s what is so distressing. People see this sort of thing and then think that Spanish people are inferior because the outfits are ridiculously cartoonish, and the music is all the same and they sing in a stereotypical way, and the guitars are either tiny or too big. It’s absurd and it has to end. Just saying mariachi is a micro-aggression towards Spanish people. I feel weird having just said it. We’re all better than this.”

25 Comments on White Berkeley Professor Calls Authentic Mexican Mariachi Band Culturally Insensitive

  1. Well, seriously, I was in Mexico a few years ago and it really was like a self-parody! Donkeys with Carmen Miranda hats, sombreros, $10 beer, $5 to take a picture of the donkey, little girls in their finest dresses begging for money, old ladies trying to sell beads and shit.

  2. We’re all better than this.

    No, we’re all better than you.

    We all recognize that the players in a mariachi are gainfully employed and many are family breadwinners. Would you rather see them picking lettuce or strawberries? Is that somehow less stereotypical?

    I surprised he hasn’t drowned in a rainstorm, he’s that stupid.

  3. Yer Dang Right! Them and those Kraut bands with the shorts and the dancing.
    And while we’re at it, they should do away with those Jamaican drum bands unless they make their own drums from oil barrels they find on the rustic shores of their homeland. Anything short of that and you’re just a Poser

  4. Back in the 60s our family went to LA and we took a day trip to Tijuana. We had our picture taken with a donkey painted to look like a zebra. I was the “lucky” one to get to sit on the donkey while everyone else sat in the cart. A week later I was infested with scabies (also known as the “seven-year itch”) It took a over a month to get rid of them using a greasy ointment.

  5. The progressives’ and intelligentsia’s social rule book adds many thousands of directives yearly just to annoy the hell out of the sane portion of humanity.

    What they don’t realize in their arrogance is that it’s a ponderously high house of cards doomed to collapse with the first gust of reality.

    Moreover, each rule will have the prog’s name attached to it, for permanent ridicule for future generations.

    Not the way to make your mark on the world.

  6. Gee Wally, when you cater to the world’s biggest collection of perpetually offended “victims” whut else would you expect?

    The over-educated, degreed, Politically Correct, self-absorbed, dumbed-down, White guilt-ridden, Gay-obsessed, Prius-driving, coexist bumper-sticker, bottled-water-drinking, granola-eating, celebrity-obsessed, rainbow-plantation, holier-than-thou, Liberal elitists and their wrap-around rules of some pie-in-the-sky utopia have finally imploded on themselves!

  7. Last night Berkley campus social justice warrior cops were called on a man dressed like a married ultra orthodox Jew wearing the traditional big fur hat. It wasn’t about culture sensitivity, It was about cruelty to animals and wearing fur on campus.

  8. Good. We need to laugh loud and often at these “offender warriors”. They have become so ridiculous that a parody could really be the truth. In fact, the parody is a bit too mild. Truth is more egregious.

  9. That pecker gobbler is certainly full of shit enough to be a “professor” at Berkeley.

    “and the music is all the same and they sing in a stereotypical way”.

    Traditional Mariachi bands are known to play songs different every time, even the words change. There must be 10,000 different versions of “La Bamba”. It’s people like this asshole who are making the kids stupid. Even worse than stupid – dangerous to be around.

    Berkeley would be the ideal place for China to drop a nuke.

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