šŸ¤£ Cindy McCain Says Country Needs John McCain ā€˜More than Everā€™ šŸ¤£ – IOTW Report

šŸ¤£ Cindy McCain Says Country Needs John McCain ā€˜More than Everā€™ šŸ¤£

Breitbart: Appearing Saturday on CNNā€™sĀ Axe Files, Cindy McCain reacted to recent happenings in Washington, D.C., sayingĀ the United States needs her late husband, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), ā€œmore than ever.ā€

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35 Comments on šŸ¤£ Cindy McCain Says Country Needs John McCain ā€˜More than Everā€™ šŸ¤£

  1. “AXELROD: Why do you think that is? It seems like thereā€™s this sort of reign of terror about taking on the president and criticizing him.”

    Gee, an interview with mega-democrat operative david axelrod and cindy mccain. (not capitalized intentionally) How perfectly appropriate.

    Any garbage coming from a mccain mouth isn’t worth my time. He was a wolf in sheep’s clothing when he was alive and nothing has changed except thankfully he’s not in the Senate any longer.

    The mere fact that she didn’t challenge the question is really all you need to know about her. “Reign of terror”? They only reign of terror going on is the one obamacare is causing because people still have 6 and $8,000 deductibles despite paying thousands per month for health insurance.


    Go hide under a rock somewhere and spare us your elitist crap. We don’t want you here in Arizona and we haven’t for a long, long time. Try Venezuela…or California.

  2. I’ve always thought that survivors of recently passed loved ones should be given our support and compassion. No doubt Cindy and John’s dopey daughter Meghan still grieve over his passing, but clearly Cindy, if she thought about it for more than 2 seconds, must realize that the only reason CNN wanted her on was to insult the President, given their history. She was duped (probably willingly) into being a tool for the prog apparatchik. Republicans of any flavor are only useful to the left when they further the leftist agenda, both Cindy and Meghan are very good at doing just that.

  3. (sung to the tune of ā€œJohn Brownā€™s Body.ā€)

    John McCainā€™s body lies a-moldering in the grave
    John McCainā€™s body lies a-moldering in the grave
    John McCainā€™s body lies a-moldering in the grave
    But his lies go marching on
    The devil down in hell torments his Songbird gleefully
    The devil down in hell torments his Songbird gleefully
    The devil down in hell torments his Songbird gleefully
    From the grave of old John McCain
    Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
    Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
    Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
    Trumpā€™s STILL your Pres-i-Dent

  4. Didn’t he sing “bomb,bomb iran” to the Beach Boys’ “Barbara Ann” at a press conference and receive high praise for it?
    Funny how dems and the media are ok with some “baby killers” & “war mongers”.
    Guess it depends are their level sycophancy.

  5. ā€¦one night in Hell, in the hopefully not too distant future, where time is measured only by the brief silences between the agonized screams ripped from the damed,the Devil had the Lake of Fire wash John McCainā€™s writhing corpse up next to Bill Clinton for one of his jokes. Bitterly (in death as in life), McCain noted that, while he was in the Fire up to his chin, Bill was only in it up to his waist.

    ā€œHow is THIS fair?ā€ he whined. ā€œI know Iā€™m a traitor and done a lot of evil things, but YOUā€™VE done MUCH worse than ME! Why do YOU get to be so much more out of the Lake than I do?

    ā€¦giving his trademark smirk, Bill replied, ā€œBecause Iā€™m sitting on Hillary’s shouldersā€.

  6. Not only did this country need John McCain OUT of the US Senate, there are AT LEAST 20 more incumbent Senators (aka entrenched traitors), who’ve stunk up their seats for more than 2 terms that also need to be THROWN OUT of office.

  7. why do we need “john fireball mccain”?

    we have too many jets and aircraft carriers?

    not enough friendly fire deaths going on in the military?

    is there still a pissing line at his grave?


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