1.3-Million-Year-Old Stone Axe Dug Up In Casablanca, Morocco – IOTW Report

1.3-Million-Year-Old Stone Axe Dug Up In Casablanca, Morocco


Archaeologists have discovered North Africa’s oldest Stone Age hand-axe dating back 1.3-million years. The find made during excavations at a quarry on the outskirts of the country’s economic capital Casablanca is a made major discovery shedding new light on the history of Acheulian technology.

Acheulian tools were produced during the Lower Palaeolithic era across Africa and much of West Asia, South Asia, East Asia, and Europe and are today associated with Homo erectus and early Homo sapiens. More

25 Comments on 1.3-Million-Year-Old Stone Axe Dug Up In Casablanca, Morocco

  1. Am I supposed to be impressed? Africans built a stone axe and lost it for millennia? Poor tool management. I needed that today for yard work.

    I’m sorry. These people aren’t very intelligent.

    I made an axe. I wonder where I put it?

    Yeah. Never mind. Just forget it.

  2. I’m surprised they called it an axe. These days they’d have to call it some kind of SLAVE axe, or LGBTABCXYZ tool AGAINST THE CIS GENDERS!

  3. “It is very important because we are talking about prehistoric time, a complex period for which little data exists,”

    Confession: I majored in Archaeology forty years ago. It was conjecture dressed up as science then, and it still is today. Don’t get me wrong. There is much to be learned from the archaeology of the historic era. But when the 100% leftist archaeologists start pontificating about millions of years, my eye glaze over. In fact, my experiences in the hallowed halls of the department of anthropology were the beginning of my religious and political turning away from leftism.

    Anyway, I’m sure it’s a very nice hand-axe, and many, many papers will be written about it.


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