10 Released, Only 45 To Go At GITMO – IOTW Report

10 Released, Only 45 To Go At GITMO

With the number of days left in office that you can count on one hand, President Obama let 10 more terrorists go from the holding facility at Guantanamo Bay.  Oman was willing to accept the latest batch of releases.


My money is on the remaining 45 detainees being released to parts of Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan before he finally leaves office.

14 Comments on 10 Released, Only 45 To Go At GITMO

  1. It has to be patently clear to all of the American public that at the very least some of the men incarcerated there are a real threat to our safety. To release every single one – I don’t think the most liberal American can justify that.

  2. They are just misunderstood, and Barry is rectifying it according to his values. No matter, we won’t be needing that cage-by-the-sea because I don’t see Mr. T taking any prisoners.

  3. Conservatives need to keep the pressure up on Obama even after he leaves office. Make sure that when one of these terrorists show up either dead or in an attack the world knows which President released them to which country. Make sure that no cult of personality grows up around this bastard.

  4. The optimist in me wants to believe that an empty Guantanamo brings an opportunity to jail obama and his entire administration after it is eventually revealed to the world just how much treason they have committed.

  5. Cuba is not getting Gitmo. Trump said he will refill Gitmo with new and returning jihadists and their lone wolf counterparts. It’s a new day, people. The Trump era has begun.

  6. I say keep gitmo open, but I think it would be easier to kill them in battle. You can get info from some of them, maybe, but for one bit of info you get, 30 others not in gitmo have already bombed someone. Just kill them and move on.. It’s a war, isn’t it?
    There’s no converting those assholes to the 21st century

  7. Keep the prison, lose the soccer field and the muslim daycare.

    Charge these war criminals and prosecute them. So their incarceration is above reproach.
    And when subversive lawyers pull stupid stunts, publicize that widely, so the world can acknowledge and correct its wayward ways.

    No need to be apologetic for doing the right thing.

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