100-Year-Old Joshua Trees to be Sacrificed on the Altar of “Clean Energy” – IOTW Report

100-Year-Old Joshua Trees to be Sacrificed on the Altar of “Clean Energy”

Just the News

Century-old Joshua trees in the California desert will be cleared to make way for clean energy. 

The 2,300-acre solar project is going up near near Boron, in Southern California, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The area of Kern County from which the project is slated has a poverty rate twice that of the state’s average. The solar farm will generate intermittent power for 180,000 homes in wealthier coastal neighborhoods. More

20 Comments on 100-Year-Old Joshua Trees to be Sacrificed on the Altar of “Clean Energy”

  1. Maybe these “peasants” that vote for this shit will get the message, now, this isn’t about the environment it’s about MONEY. And Money can do anything it wants to those that don’t have it.

  2. this is the biggest sob story this weekend. a Joshua tree is a cactus. a weed. solar panels are progress. they produce energy. energy is elimination of labor. I know this board is loaded with right wing looks that know all about solar and RVs because they get their info from watching CNN but as long as taxpayers aren’t funding progress I’m all for it

  3. Apparently, leftists don’t give a shit about joshua trees and endangered tortoises when it comes to solar panels the same way they don’t give a shit about migrating birds when it comes to windmills.

  4. The desert is dotted with these boondoggles that are always hyped as the future, then the money runs out and they leave the abandoned structures. Would be nice if had to either restore the landscape or limit these scams to areas that have already been disspoiled.

  5. Joni Mitchell needs to write another song, a sequel to “Big Yellow Taxi”.

    “Don’t it always seem to go
    That you don’t know what you got ’till it’s gone
    They paved Paradise
    Put up a solar plot……”

  6. Asshole libs are all caught up in Carbon Credits (like Al Gore who purchase them as an excuse to pollute) so inquiring minds want to know, how come trees aren’t considered CO2 offsets?

  7. Were a peasant to touch a frond on the head of a Joshua he’d be heading to prison post haste. Yet, should government state ol’ Josh get the axe, the axe ol’ Josh is gonna get.

    ‘Twas ever thus. FJB and FTG.

  8. “6. Why are Joshua Trees protected?
    Most of the world’s Joshua Trees are found within the boundary of Joshua Tree National Park. It is a violation of federal law to take or damage plants and wildlife in National Parks. But why the protection?

    Joshua Trees are crucial to the ecosystem of the Mojave Desert. They provide food and habitat to local species. Additionally, new research is indicating that trees are being negatively impacted by climate change, making their protection even more important.”


  9. Uncle Al is correct. They’re called “Joshua Trees” because the oldest of them are believed to be 3000+ years old, meaning they date back to the Joshua of the Old Testament… They grow very very slowly. So slowly, we have almost no understanding of their lifecycle, just guesses. A 100 year old specimen would be maybe 12 inches tall…

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