100s of Thousands Duped Into Voting For Politicians Promising Free $tuff – IOTW Report

100s of Thousands Duped Into Voting For Politicians Promising Free $tuff

I’m sorry. Hundreds were duped into showing up to get free housing.

Same thing.


16 Comments on 100s of Thousands Duped Into Voting For Politicians Promising Free $tuff

  1. How long before some clown claims that free housing is a right. Then free utilities. Then free groceries.
    Oh wait, they have welfare already. Free shit for nothing. Just sign here.
    See what a ridiculous policy that is.

  2. The people who fail for this are so stupid that they can’t even grasp that if they got a home and acreage for $1, they still couldn’t afford property taxes, upkeep, normal utility costs, and insurance. They wouldn’t even fucking grasp the concept of those things. They’re stupid-ass dumb-fuck sacks of shit, the kind of retards who walk around downtown holding their dicks in public with one hand while screaming into their Obamaphone with the other. JFC.

  3. So he duped a bunch of layabout, good for nothing, freebie gobbling losers to stand in the wrong line for a while. What’s the crime?

    The same system gamers will be in another handout line soon.

  4. Promising things for free has been a Demoncrat gambit for a long, long time. LBJ’s Great Society is the perfect example. All the Demoncrat political mafia needs in return is for the receipient to become a permenant slave on the progressive, leftist, repressive plantation and to vote as told by their massers.

  5. @ aleon,
    Possibly the single most racist act perpetrated in the history of this country.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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