Copy Cat Killers – IOTW Report

Copy Cat Killers

American Thinker: Much as many of us dislike the press, it’s fair to say we like mass shooters even less.

Maniacs, (some of them terrorists), have shot up newsrooms, as well as classrooms, bureaucrat offices, shopping malls, cafes, churches, concerts, and other places.

Most recently, one of them on the loose shot up a Maryland newspaper, The Gazette, and murdered five innocent people, terrorizing at least hundreds more.

Now we have another arrest, of some other revolting maniac, this one who also had some thing against a Texas media outlet, threatening to burn it down, and calling a particular reporter he didn’t like ‘dead man walking’ alongside other violent threats. Good riddance. The only place such a thing can even exist is in jail, not out on the streets making threats.  I saw the story highlighted in red letters (since pulled) on Drudge. But here’s the news, Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports:

Another case of violent threats made toward journalists will play itself out in the court system, less than a week after a gunman entered the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Md. and killed five people.

Jason Eric Bewley, of Bryan, Texas, was arrested last week in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, near Charlotte. He’s been charged with transmitting threats through interstate communications, a federal crime, according to jail records.

According to his federal indictment, which came down April 11 and was only recently unsealed by the courts, Bewley threatened to burn down a Texas TV station in a telephone tirade after harassing the station’s general manager Mike Wright through email, and calling him “a dead man walking.”

He spent nearly the next three months on the run, the Houston Chronicle reported, until authorities found him in North Carolina.

Now, the story is carefully worded to show that the maniac had been making threats well before the Maryland shooting, and his arrest was the result of an unsealed indictment.
But what leaps out is that authorities acted now, within what experts say is the critical “12-day window,” to keep this maniac from doing what he keeps threatening to do. What it suggests is that they know all about the 12-day window and how it triggers copycat massacres, and they acted expeditiously. They didn’t wait around on that one.  MORE

5 Comments on Copy Cat Killers

  1. “critical 12-day window”, eh? That’s a new one.

    If the ‘news’ people want to actually exercise being conscientious, perhaps they should re-consider their rabid “First!!” reportage tactic regarding so many things.

  2. Yes, Rosalind, I’ve been in the cop business one way or another over 30 years (including some time teaching at the college level) and I never heard of the 12-day window, either.


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