11 Calls to Shut Down Clinton Foundation from Left-Wing Media – IOTW Report

11 Calls to Shut Down Clinton Foundation from Left-Wing Media

BreitbartNew reporting on allegations that Hillary Clinton used her position as Secretary of State to sell access to major Clinton Foundation donors — charges first detailed in Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer’s New York Times bestselling book Clinton Cash — have led to a flood of calls from left-wing and center-left media for the Clintons to shut down their multibillion-dollar charity.

Below is a list of eleven of these establishment outlets and journalists urging the Clintons either to shutter the Foundation or pass off its assets to some other unaffiliated nonprofit.  MORE

8 Comments on 11 Calls to Shut Down Clinton Foundation from Left-Wing Media

  1. Wait a couple more months, Hillary is still deleting e-mails, shredding donor lists and contributor information from the “Not-for Profit” Clinton foundation.
    By the time the FBI gets around to an investigation (if ever) it will all be an oversight and carelessness with no indictment.
    That’s how the professional, non-partisan FBI handles the elite.

  2. why shut it down?

    why? because it hasn’t been “investigated” yet and if it was thoroughly “investigated” dc would be a ghost town.

    it would not due to have all the foundation dirt stirred up.

    these politicians are so corrupt.
    they should all fear the rope.

  3. The left-wing media only wants her to shut it down so that they can say, “See. Problem solved. Nothing to investigate here”.

    The thing is that the conflict of interest that the Clinton Foundation would pose to a clinton presidency is the same corruption that ran amok during hillary’s tenure as secretary of state. But, the MSM thinks by shutting it down, they can ignore the scandal.

  4. The media always demonstrates through their reaction and behavior what they are afraid of or consider problematic. Her health and now the Foundation. We know the Foundation has been hacked and nothing the Clintons were doing is defensible. How long can they keep effectively defending the turd sandwich she has served up when Assange or whoever is promising to keep dumping information. And why were they really doing all this — just for the money or is there something bigger we don’t know about yet (Rush brought this up yesterday).

  5. Funny to witness, which means more? her tattered reputation as a viable prezzy candidate, her integrity as a totally corrupted lesbian candidate who has eaten more p**sy than her corrupted satyr fake husband Slick Willie, her gritty in-your-face style for everyone, or the MONEY????? I bet the money wins. you can see the KA-CHING going on in her eyeballs. THIS IS WHAT PURE EVIL looks like, and it is not pretty. It is UGLY as a demonic possession.

  6. The wealth from it should be spread amongst actual citizens – the people she harmed.

    You have a legit S.S.#? You get a share.

    What was the total reported at – 240 billion?

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