Anyone who can’t make it to the moon to gather a few lunar rocks now has the opportunity to buy one right here on Earth.
A 12-pound lunar meteorite discovered in Northwest Africa last year is up for auction by Boston-based RR Auction and could sell for $500,000 or more during online bidding that runs from Thursday until Oct. 18.
It is “one of the most important meteorites available for acquisition anywhere in the world today,” and one of the biggest pieces of the moon ever put up for sale, RR said.
The rock classified as NWA 11789, also known as “Buagaba,” was found last year in a remote area of Mauritania but probably plunged to Earth thousands of years ago. more
Do you get a fancy certificate of authenticity that it really is a lunar meteorite?
Moonbats go wild!
That’s one old piece of cheese.
Buagaba…..I got some of that on my shoe the last time I was in a movie theatre….
Makes as much sense to me as buying a “pet rock”.
Looks like part of a moose skull. Anyway, no thanks.
Whutta hoax! Anybody can tell that’s a piece of Pluto!
People are starving to death and someone has money to throw away…humans are so intelligent
Dang – and here all this time I’ve been mooning people for free.
QUICK! Someone tell Hillary that there’s a FLY ON IT!