15 Minutes??? – IOTW Report

15 Minutes???

Within 15 seconds this guy would be assessing his bike damage.

This attitude is how Muslims take over a country.


33 Comments on 15 Minutes???

  1. Hang the next right, then take the first left, then take the first left again, then hang another right and you should be in front, dispensing sharp objects or driving slowly and blowing cigarette smoke if that is an option.

  2. Just call in a welfare check on the poor guy on the bicycle who is driving his bike erratically, waving his arms and yelling about Aliens. Then while you have the 911 operator on the line say:
    “Oh my goodness now he’s exposing himself! Oh those poor children in the crosswalk!!” then hang up

  3. Ok. I’ll admit i did not watch that video. But I did watch Jethro’s!!
    Every time I see those faggy looking losers in their leotards I could scream!
    You can tell most of them are Libtards so that makes them more sickening.
    They should be outlawed!

  4. I put up with this crap everyday in Seattle. We spend Millions of dollars on bike lanes that are twenty five feet away from the main road but these bike Nazi want all the roads, I hate them, And if I could I would drive them all in their spandex glory into the ditch.

  5. I’d try driving in the bike lane next to him. My car is small enough I think I could do it (as long as no one opened their drivers side door!).

    Thankfully, it’s raining cats and dogs now and the fair-weather spandex brigade limits their countryside rides around my neighborhood only when the sun shines.

  6. Jethro, I always check the National News every night to see if there’s any reports of a bicyclist run over by a guy wearing a Big Furry Hat bailing out of his car screaming “Ohla Snack Bar” and being driven away from the crime seen on the handle bars of an out of control Moped.

  7. Mayor Murray and his ilk won’t be happy until I-5 is a 4 lane wide bike path and 1-90 and 520 bridges are turned into a parks with solar paneled covered waiting platforms for light rail.

  8. This is an easy answer. You pull up behind him, honking your horn over and over, stick you head out the driver window and scream, “Get into the bike lane! I have a pregnant woman about to give birth in the car! This is an EMERGENCY! Pull into the bike lane!”

    When the douchebag pulls into the bike lane, roll down the passenger window and say, as you pass him, “Thanks, asshole! No pregnant woman but now you’re where you belong! Fuck off and die!”

  9. There are many bicyclists who mean right and in their hearts wanna do right. If 10,000 pedalers were coming down that road now, and I had a barricade that I could shut, and in that 10,000, 1,000 meant right, 1,000 didn’t want to ride in the middle of the road, blow through busy intersections, all the while spitting on me, I knew they were good… Should I let all these bicyclists pass, hoping that that thousand get together and stop the assholery of the others? Or should I just lower the barricade and stay safe?

  10. The community I live in is “bicycle” friendly. They are so obnoxious that my husband and I are seriously considering moving. They are arrogant, self-absorbed a$$holes, and create dangerous situations all the time and they don’t care.

  11. When I’m elected mayor, I promise to allow bicyclists after they are fitted with shock collars, and the drivers will get the shock controllers which they can keep on their visor like a garage door opener. Just hit the button to clear a path.

    Of course, this will attract a lot of tourism, so rental shock controllers will have to be made available to Conservative visitors for a nominal fee.

    Look forward to your business. 🙂

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