15 Minutes Up For Crap Singer That Used Trump Train For Fame? – Joy Villa Smacking a Guy’s A$$ – IOTW Report

15 Minutes Up For Crap Singer That Used Trump Train For Fame? – Joy Villa Smacking a Guy’s A$$

Do I care when a woman smacks a guy’s butt? No. (Well, it depends on a few things, but mostly no.)

(The explanation with this video here is that this could be her husband.) ((I don’t think it’s her husband in the video. Her husband is shorter than her.))

8 Comments on 15 Minutes Up For Crap Singer That Used Trump Train For Fame? – Joy Villa Smacking a Guy’s A$$

  1. Her husband is a little soy boy, the guy she smacked was more hefty. Also, did you hear the comment he made when he turned around? “Hey, take it easy.”

    She is an attention whore. I’m sure she was shocked as hell when the right adopted her after wearing that gown. But she quickly recovered and took advantage of it; playing the part. But it wasn’t real, so she couldn’t keep up the act.

  2. No coincidence she acusses someone of violating her by ass slapping when she’s guilty of the same thing. Another case of a leftist projecting their bad behavior. The former Trump associate will be cleared.

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