18 House Democrats (so far) Choose Not To Face Re-Election – IOTW Report

18 House Democrats (so far) Choose Not To Face Re-Election


Republicans only need to net five seats to pick up the House majority after the midterms. So far, more than triple the amount of Democrats (18 total) have decided to officially call it quits on the House and have left their seats open for a fight, giving Republicans a chance to gain another seat since House Republicans only need to net five seats to gain the majority and retire Pelosi as Speaker. More

10 Comments on 18 House Democrats (so far) Choose Not To Face Re-Election

  1. There are two parts to this equation; taking out the trash, getting rid of the detritus is the easy part, it’s finding good folk dedicated to the cause and relentless in pursuit of that cause, this has always been the problem.

    I’m really tired of squishy “Go along to get along” GOP’ers that look at Washington as a career move instead of as an arena to battle evil. If you don’t have the stomach for a stand-up fight, stay home.

  2. Speaking of RINO shit:

    Nancy Mace went on Fox and promoted natural immunity then went on CNN and promoted vaxx and mask. Do not fall for this scam artist’s tricks pic.twitter.com/hsKo3hMCeO

    — Jack Posobiec ✝️ (@JackPosobiec) November 30, 2021

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