1920s App – IOTW Report

1920s App

What would yours look like?

28 Comments on 1920s App

  1. My mother had a circular thing for the same purpose back in the β€˜60’s. She also had a mechanical adding/subtracting device for tracking how much she was going to spend.

  2. Meat
    Italian Volcano
    Single Malt Scotch
    Irish Whiskey
    Bird Seed
    Scratch Grain

  3. Interesting. All food items except for two. I wonder what thought process resulted in matches and soap being added to the list. Yeah, both are necessary, but there are lots of other non-food things that are necessary that aren’t there.

  4. I don’t even know what the hell that is. I’m pretty well versed in antique stuff… but no clue on that.

    I’m the one who helps thousands of people a decade know what antique Bell System specialty tools are, and VW tools…

  5. Loco, we had some crimpers at ABC from the Chicago Telco. We, at ABC, used them to crimp copper sleeves on cables for lamps in the overhead as safeties. They were massive 4 foot long, took 2 men and a boy to pick them up. They were actually drop crimpers for repair splicing.

    They were cast in 1910 for the Chicago Telephone Company.

    Thomas and Betts later made hand held crimpers for self-support sleeves. But you had to do your drop clamps just right to make the “self-support” work.

  6. I just love quality tools.
    Built to last back then, and they did.

    My mother worked for Bell as a switchboard operator and she brought home some of the switching connectors she would have to plug into the boards.
    Quality components back then.
    Of course that is how we went to the moon, after the tragic accident & fire on the launchpad they got serious and got their shit together.

  7. It was fun watching the plant school teachers show the clamps. You put the clamp-end through the bail of another clamp. The bails lock up.

    It’s like watching 100 3 year old children trying to tie their shoes. Except in Scottish. “No fooking way dis wurks! Bullocks! Bloody hell?”

    Then we went on to half hitches, timber hitches, and the old, “Turn your hand over, palm up, and feed the rope through that hole.”

    What was that called? I can show it to you right now, but I can’t remember… yes I can, it was a clove hitch.

  8. I honestly don’t know why planes aren’t crashing down around us?
    The new recruits are blunt instruments who’s first resort is a grinder, torch & hammer.
    The dudes that actually make shit work right are all old, retiring or being forced out due to wokeness.
    The future is bleak.

  9. Agreed Erik.
    I always felt we grew up in the most transformative time.

    Look at cellphones.
    So glad they didn’t exist back then.
    So fucking glad!!!
    Damn, what a bane to man’s existence yet these mofos wouldn’t know what to do without them.

  10. It just seems that true knowledge and earned wisdom is underappreciated these days.
    Asswipes don’t need to OR WANT TO retain anything, they feel they can simply “google” it and be done.
    Dudes that keep it old school should be able to name their price.

  11. Looks like this is a list specifically for the grocery store.
    Other needed items would be picked up from the pharmacy, hardware, or other specific store.
    These days, you have just about everything contained under one roof.
    I can hit Meijer and knock out my grocery shopping, pharmacy needs, gardening supplies, home diy, office/craft supplies and get my wardrobe updated.

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