1st Graders instructed to write gay love letters – IOTW Report

1st Graders instructed to write gay love letters


22 Comments on 1st Graders instructed to write gay love letters

  1. I’m sick of hearing about how “underpaid” our “teachers” are.

    How can you call yourself a teacher if you’re abusing children like this? No more money for schools of any kind unless:

    1. It’s for private school vouchers
    2. Curriculum like commie core are abandoned
    3. STEM and RRR return to the classroom

    “Teachers” are acting like children, we may as well treat them as such.

  2. I am disgusted with what my country has become. Canada once was strong and free. Take heed since trudeau the first took the reins this place has become a fallen state. Time to go.

  3. Mathew 18:6
    But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

  4. I have to say, take care and teach your children. Go to a “good” church with them. Eat dinner with them and talk. Get them active in their youth group. That is what I did and none of my three are out of our box.

    But what I’ve noticed teaching children is these get them less conservative:
    1. One parent.
    2. Bad schools (K-12 and anywhere in-between).
    3. Bad friends. Friends in middle school and high school can make you or break you.

    On a similar note I told my children that the friends they meet in the first few weeks of college may be the friends they follow…be careful! People are weird and f-ed up!

  5. Britain is toast. Burnt toast.
    Pat Condell is correct. The Battle for Britain 2 is well underway, under attack from both the invaders and native residents. Sadly, it’s the same situation here.


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