‘2000 Mules’ allegations prompt calls for 2020 election probes – IOTW Report

‘2000 Mules’ allegations prompt calls for 2020 election probes


Allegations arising from the True the Vote investigation featured in the documentary “2000 Mules” have prompted a call by Michigan Republican lawmakers for a new investigation into the 2020 election.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party in Spokane County, Washington, is calling for a 2020 election probe, and a case in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, has been assigned a judge, reports Just the News.

Earlier this month, an Arizona election worker said the sheriff’s office in Yuma County is conducting an investigation into the 2020 election that targets non-profit groups operating nationwide that are believed to be at the center of what True the Vote described as a ballot-trafficking operation. Previously, a former mayor in Yuma County was charged in an alleged ballot-trafficking scheme that was uncovered in the True the Vote investigation. more

6 Comments on ‘2000 Mules’ allegations prompt calls for 2020 election probes

  1. …I got an office upgrade! It’s a signature stamping machine that can stamp “NO STANDING” and ALSO stamp my signature on 100 election fraud lawsuits a minute! It’s SO good, they almost don’t NEED me any more!

    …now if you’ll excuse me, I have a very private meeting with someone Hillary sent. It’s real hush-hush, something about that Maxwell chick and loose ends. But never fear, this baby’s right here to take care of the important not-hearing election fraud cases business, so toodles!

  2. Kabuki is correct. There is, however, such a thing as stealing too much. It may be the autocratic communist left has done so in the 2020 and 2022 elections. We’ll just have to wait and see. Midterms are the test. Communists prevail in these and we know we’re over, forever.

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