It’s not often I read a column with multiple references to vomit and find myself thinking that’s really well put. Katherine Kimpf description of Hillary Clinton’s appearance on Lifetime’s “The Conversation” does [Read More]
It’s not often I read a column with multiple references to vomit and find myself thinking that’s really well put. Katherine Kimpf description of Hillary Clinton’s appearance on Lifetime’s “The Conversation” does [Read More]
Behrain is over 100 miles away from Iran. You can’t see it. even if you were on a tower 2700 feet in height you could only see 64 miles into [Read More]
JudicialWatch: For more than a decade the U.S. government has known that “Arab extremists” are entering the country through Mexico with the assistance of smuggling network “cells,” according to State [Read More]
There has been some discussion that the new Michael Bay movie ignores the role of the Obama White House and Hillary’s State Department in the Benghazi attack. While left unstated, the film [Read More]
Do you know who this couple is? All Canadians know who they are. They are their national disgrace. This couple is among the most depraved serial rapist/murderers in the world. [Read More]
At a recent rally in Pensacola, FL the three Freedom Girls preformed the “Donald Trump Jam” for the crowd. Watch Personally, I don’t think The Donald needs a warm up [Read More]
AmericanRifleman: The workers and management at Colt have good news, and it could not come at a better time. As the entire firearm industry prepares to head for the Shooting, [Read More]
I remember reading this and thinking, “throw Goldman-Sachs in the headline, put in ‘a million dollars’ and the word ‘improper’ and you have the makings of a lofo scandal.” Reader [Read More]
WashingtonExaminer: Rep. Lamar Smith, chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, fired off a series of letters Thursday to firms that provided tech support to Hillary Clinton’s [Read More]
WashingtonTimes: Among the 10 Yemeni terrorists released by the Obama administration this week, one is Muhammad Salih Husayn al-Shaykh, a man who has pledged to kill as many Americans as [Read More]
But… but … but… how can they paint with such a broad brush??? Because they never had girls sexually assaulted in the pool before the religion of peace showed up, [Read More]
DR- Trump will pay for the showing of “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” at 6 p.m. Friday at the Carmike Cobblestone 9 Theatre at 86th Street and Hickman [Read More]
I remember seeing some footage of luminaries coming to DC when JFK was lying in state and Harry Truman showed up. It was weird because I thought Truman had died already. So [Read More]
AmericanThinker: […] It was fairly simple to label a group of politically unsophisticated women, primarily from the South, as trailer-trash bimbos and get the media elites to go along. But [Read More]
GJWHG: Sounds like the work of John Kerry. It doesn’t matter if “the 3 a.m. phone call” comes in the middle of the day. Not only will the Obama administration [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.