What It Was Like Weighing 350 Pounds
Return of Kings: It’s a no brainer that being obese versus being physically fit and attractive is a no-contest comparison. Speaking from experience on both sides, it’s one thing to [Read More]
Return of Kings: It’s a no brainer that being obese versus being physically fit and attractive is a no-contest comparison. Speaking from experience on both sides, it’s one thing to [Read More]
The Lid: Remember when words mattered? You know what I am talking about! When words had a meaning before they are artificially softened. The days before taxes were called revenue enhancements, before government spending of [Read More]
If you said, “300 pounds” you’d be correct. If you said, “he’s becoming an occasional talking head at ABC,” you’d also be correct. Story here.
Breitbart: Tens of thousands of pro-life activists gathered in Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco on Saturday for the 14th annual Walk for Life West Coast. KQED reported some 50,000 [Read More]
I used to like this guy, somewhat, when he pretty much kept his opinions to himself. But now he’s starting to open his yap more and more, and make weepy [Read More]
Geller Report: You have to love real Asians protesting media-designated “Asians” (Muslims), their hoax jihad, and their stooge. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s one protester told the Toronto Sun that he [Read More]
Geller Report: The staggering rise of violent crime from gangs from “multicultural backgrounds” (much like we see in Europe) and the follow-up migrant-protection arguments of fearmongering and backlash from leftwing [Read More]
MementoMāori @MementoMaori 11 The US Senate will be voting today on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which limits late-term abortions after 5 months, at the stage a fetus is scientifically the [Read More]
Heh – NBC reports that they voted along party lines. Graham (who didn’t get a vote) didn’t want the memo released. What does THAT say? NBC- WASHINGTON — The House [Read More]
TONIGHT (Monday) A jam-packed U.S.&Eh?! Show with @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3
Geller Report: Philadelphia terror fears after driver mows down pedestrians. A police spokesman confirmed this afternoon terror was being considered as motivation. The driver was shot dead by police after [Read More]
Good twitter feed. This looks like a sick concert until you realise it’s a combine harvester in a cotton field. pic.twitter.com/ZonGgAFFY7 — You Had One Job (@_youhadonejob1) January 21, 2018 [Read More]
Indians removing Chief Wahoo logo from uniforms. Morning Journal- The cartoonish image of a big-toothed American Indian with a scarlet face and a single feather in his headdress will come [Read More]
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