2020: ____ of the year – IOTW Report

2020: ____ of the year

2020 Men of the Year: Men

2020 Man of the Year: Jeffrey Toobin.
And he milked it for all it was worth

2020 Man of the Year: Anti-Cyclist FedEx Guy.

2020 Man of the Year: Kyle Rittenhouse.
“So people are getting injured, and our job is to protect this business, and a part of my job is to also help people. If there’s somebody hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle because I need to protect myself, obviously. But I also have my med kit.”

29 Comments on 2020: ____ of the year

  1. In the spirit of Christmas I’m willing to compromise.

    I’ll be the air hockey champion for Christmas, New Years, 4th of July, all state and Federal bank holidays…. and you can be the champion during Kwanza.

  2. “That’s why I have my rifle because I need to protect myself, obviously. But I also have my med kit.”

    …no Kyle am I, I do not have the skill nor am I so quick on the trigger, but I have carried gloves, bleeding control, and a rescue mask on my left hip since taking up plant first responder duties, and I routinely have a 9mm on my right hip, so I carry death and life wherever I go.

    …it’s the dichotomy of our times, that we must be prepared to deal with either, or both together. Our times may require we defend ourselves, those we love, and that we stand for at any time, but we must not lose our basic humanity or we become no better than our enemies.

    Notwithstanding his tender years, Mr. Rittenhouse seems to understand it very well.

    My vote goes to Kyle.

  3. …..Willy…..why the fudge are you playing hockey on your table?

    The goal would take up most of the space on it and the rest would get covered in scars from my Bauer skates.

  4. Aaron….your footwear is optional. Table hockey is MY realm. I’m not sure I ever lost…I once played a Canadian Table Hockey National Champion. He lost. I won so many beers that Budweiser named a Clydsdale after me….

  5. I had to look up the difference between table hockey and air hockey.

    Table hockey DOES look cool as hell.

    However, air hockey consumes the same amount of energy as leaving 4 or 9 refrigerators out in the Sahara with their doors open. So I gotta’ go with 1st world gluttony.

    Also, congrats on pummeling that Canadian. I once stole a purse from a passed out septuagenarian, so I know exactly what your victory feels like.


  6. Table hockey is called ‘knock hockey’:


    Now, air hockey, while REALLY fun to play was completely suburban having grown up in the Projects.

    But! YET my dad god bless his soul, GOT us one (maybe in 72ish?), a small table top version under the Christmas Tree one year.

    We had tournaments for MONTHS after that…

    Thanks @willysgoatsgruff!

  7. I think it was Chris Plante called the wanker ‘Jeffrey Tube out’
    Homemade Box Hockey. We used a crankshaft timing gear for a puck and leftover axe handles to whack the sumbitch to and fro.
    So much blood.

  8. @Willysgoatsgruff – NOW we are talkin’ brother.

    Did you ever ‘graduate’ and ‘go to a bar’ and see one of THESE babies?


    We had the version you posted. Maple Leafs vs…Blackhawks, I think?

    Actually it was a hammy down I played with…for years.

    But I DID but a new version for my own crew about ten years ago, it’s still in the basement so now we’ll have soemthing to do on their vacay next week!

    Simple basic FUN shit, gets your heart racing!

  9. Ghost….Yep I had the Blackckhawks vs Mapleleafs….I won the beers on the bigger bar versions based on my techniques leaned on the table version….I have a table version in my shop with a warped ‘ice rink’ that I’ve had for 20 years….I’ll fix it now….I just need some competition….

  10. @willysgoatgruff – the bottom of those original ‘rinks’ were made of 1/8″ thick masonite, a ‘new material’ at the time! Probably made from the same NOW? There HAS to be a custom made lacquered WOOD rink out there some wheres!?

    Ohhh, the hand / eye coordination…with the goalie…

  11. Ghost…. I’ve built it in my head for 20 years….It will be a masonite copy routed out with a 1/4 inch plywood backing also routed out for the mechanism underneath…. I’ve got a plainer so I can make it flatter then my first two girlfriends. I’m a metal guy so I wanted to do it out of steel but I don’t have access to a mill….once again, I need competition…

  12. @willysgoatscruff – sounds AWESOME.

    Makes the teams the Americans vs the SOVIETS, 1980 style.

    Oh, make the ‘boards’ of the rink, sturdy enough that they don’t get bent like the more thinned gauged old original ones.

    If you want competition be serious, ‘build IT and they will come’…believe me from miles and miles around…

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