25-Foot-Tall “Oracle” Statue To “Black Culture” Unveiled In Rockefeller Center – IOTW Report

25-Foot-Tall “Oracle” Statue To “Black Culture” Unveiled In Rockefeller Center

Smithsonian Magazine

Through June 29, members of the public can visit (and eventually interact with) another monumental addition to the Manhattan landmark: artist Sanford Biggers’ Oracle, a 25-foot-tall, 15,280-pound bronze sculpture. Unveiled last week, the work depicts a person or deity with an enormous head who sits majestically on a throne in front of Rockefeller Center’s Fifth Avenue entrance.

Oracle is the latest entry in Biggers’ Chimera series, which merges European statues and African masks in an interrogation of sculptural art’s history and power, reports Sarah Cascone for Artnet News. The work is Biggers’ largest-scale Chimera commission to date, notes a statement from exhibition co-organizer Art Production Fund.

As Biggers tells Artnet News, he drew inspiration from the ancient Greek Temple of Zeus and African religious art, especially that of the Luba and Maasai cultures. Per the statement, the artist was also intrigued by ongoing scholarly conversations about the whitewashing of European sculptural history and “black-washing” of African sculpture. More

46 Comments on 25-Foot-Tall “Oracle” Statue To “Black Culture” Unveiled In Rockefeller Center

  1. Oracles were thought to be portals through which the gods spoke directly to people.

    The Oracle George Floyd is either saying “don’t put drugs up your ass, rob people at gunpoint, pass fake 20’s, disobey cops, drive high as a kite” or perhaps “don’t be a dumb nigger like me?”

  2. Who gives a fan about “culture”?

    The idea is if you immigrate here, you adopt the culture Americans built. Seriously, it’s been quite the rage for 250 years!

  3. And you thought lawn jockeys were racist, a giant flat nosed, big lipped, big headed are man sitting on the toilet holding a douche to clean his ass.

    When will black folk ever realize the marxist joke is akways on them?

  4. FFS… If I sent a picture of that around at work, I’d get fired. The profile shows his face model was basically Homer Simpson. What a fucking travesty of shit art. We should put them all over the place and rename our country Crapanui.

  5. Apparently it is supposed to live up to the name Oracle.
    It will become interactive and spout recordings from “celebrities”.
    I hope someone hacks into it and makes it say:
    “Where the white women at?”
    God bless you Mel Brooks!


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