25 Wounded As Heavily-Armed Man “Opens Fire” In German Cinema Complex “Mass Shooting” – IOTW Report

25 Wounded As Heavily-Armed Man “Opens Fire” In German Cinema Complex “Mass Shooting”

BFH update – Lots of sites, in an effort to BE FIRST are making a mess of this story. 

One site is reporting that the shooter is Samuel Hydenburger, falling for an obvious joke. (They even have a picture. Oy.)

Sam Hyde is the name given to every shooter by trolls when the name isn’t known. Hydenburger is actually pretty damn funny, making Sam Hyde a German this time.)

BTW: The only way a shooting, where the only person shot is the perpetrator, can be described as a mass shooting is if the shooting took place in a church.

Witnesses are reporting multiple shots fired as Bild reports a heavily-armed man is at large in a cinema complex in Viernheim, Germany. The armed man has barricaded himself in the center …


BFH UPDATE – I’m hearing  that the shooter is dead. SEK special force stormed the cinema after the man fired one shot upon entering the complex and was holding hostages.

All of the reported injuries are from SEK tear gas.

Careful. Details are murky at best, and we are all thinking the same thing- “Muslim?”

When I say all, I mean everyone but an ardent leftist with their heads up another leftist’s ass.

21 Comments on 25 Wounded As Heavily-Armed Man “Opens Fire” In German Cinema Complex “Mass Shooting”

  1. Hey Dems, see what good gun control does, not a damn thing.
    They just don’t get it. You can mansplain it over and over, point to things like this, Boston and Paris, they just don’t get it.
    Dems must be, well, dim.

  2. “Let’s be clear: At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.”

  3. Allow me to translate “Let’s be clear: At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.” :

    Let’s be clear: – That’s your first clue this is BS.
    At some point – When I’ve decided I’ve milked this for all it’s worth.
    we as a country – me and a few of my buddies here in DC.
    will have to reckon with the fact – because we usually avoid facts.
    this type of mass violence – one guy shooting multiple victims vs. multiple guys shooting multiple victims in Chicago, et al.
    does not happen in other advanced countries – countries so advanced they have better control over the press so it’s not reported.

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