2nd Woman Comes Forward With Story About Franken Stalking and Harassing Her – IOTW Report

2nd Woman Comes Forward With Story About Franken Stalking and Harassing Her

Media Equalizer-

Morgan, who was a ABC Radio talk show host for KSFO in San Francisco at the time, appeared August 19, 2000 on ABC’s late night show Politically Incorrect:

Morgan and Franken had a dispute over the OMB’s budget numbers.

“I was invited and unaware of who his guests were going to be that night. I’ve since learned that though few know this, Al Franken was actually a writer for the show,” Morgan said.

“I made a statement about the budget numbers, Franken challenged me, I challenged him back. It was about spending priorities, actually just a mundane discussion. But he obsessed over it.”

After the show, Morgan said Franken wouldn’t leave her alone, insisting on continuing the argument.

“He approached me backstage, angrily called me out on those numbers and insisted he would prove he was right. He wouldn’t leave me alone, he kept following me. As a woman, his presence and proximity to me felt very threatening and intimidating.

“I didn’t realize his creepy behavior after the show meant it would continue in the days to come.

“He approached Carol, the show’s producer and demanded my home phone number, which was a clear violation of network protocol. I had thought that was the end of the story and was shocked when he started calling my home, badgering me repeatedly.

“I became fearful and called Carol to complain and asked her to tell him to back off. But he made another call after that. I thought that he might end up stalking me at my home in Northern California, it was that bad.

“By the third phone call I was outraged and terrified, as he is really disturbed,” Morgan recounted.

Morgan said Franken finally left her alone, but only after she pushed back and threatened to call the police.

33 Comments on 2nd Woman Comes Forward With Story About Franken Stalking and Harassing Her

  1. A little back ground on KSFO in San Fransisco. It’s a pillar of conservatism surrounded by a sea of lunacy. It’s probably the most conservative station around. Don’t let the location fool you.

  2. If there’s 2 there’s a thousand. According to the lib playbook. So, get on with the march of the women!
    I don’t think this particular woman is the only one he’s done this to. She’s describing Franken’s personality exactly as how he behaves in legislature. Obsessive compulsive lying and cheating. There’s something really wrong with him.

  3. @Art of the Zeal. Franken is using the sloth paced ethics committee to run out the clock.

    Years ago Franken was a lowly radio host for Air America and was given a spot at CPAC on radio row. I didn’t witness this incident myself, but it was all the talk at CPAC that year. Apparently Franken was so pissed off about something that he started screaming and throwing chairs. The man has serious mental health issues.

  4. This sounds more like an insane man than a sexual predator.

    Normally I would say I’m tired of all these “me too” since though they’re willing to destroy a man over 40 year old accusations then I hope every Senator and Congressman is accused.

    With that said though, I’m curious if men started coming out saying women grabbed their crotch would there be any outrage?

  5. Old Racist White Woman;With that said though, I’m curious if men started coming out saying women grabbed their crotch would there be any outrage?”
    Decades of the difference in the way male rape vs female rape are treated says no.

  6. I would like nothing better than to see this sanctimonious rabblerousing puke get his comeuppance. I can’t stand him. I hope 50 other women come out with charges against him and his philandering. It would be nice if some had video evidence.

  7. moose, yep women always hold all the cards. Even if a woman can’t get a man convicted in a courtroom she can ruin his career and reputation and when proven she lied she suffers no punishment.

  8. I’m worried about these women, I could really see Al driving off a bridge Mary Jo style with any one of them. He needs an intervention before he strikes again.
    John Wayne Gacey was a clown too.

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