3 Dead After Shoveling Snow Dispute – IOTW Report

3 Dead After Shoveling Snow Dispute


27 Comments on 3 Dead After Shoveling Snow Dispute

  1. The line between life and death can be that sharp and quick, and people die far more of the mundane than the exotic.

    Having worked with the clinically insane, I can tell you what the insane are capable of.


    …and here’s the kicker; you don’t know WHO the insane are, or WHERE they are.

    Insane people are not a concept in a hospital somewhere getting treatment.

    Sonetimes they’re your across-the-street neighbor.

    And you never know what may push them over the edge.

    Maybe just one more shovel full of snow.

  2. The “Victims” had to be the Dumbest People on the Planet…..Talking shit

    while the Dude is Popping off Rounds….Guy deserts His Gal….Just a tip from

    the Old Bobcat….If You’re arguing with Someone…and They Briskly Walk to

    Their House or Car…..You’re going to get Shot.

    I imagine the Neighborhood is a little bit of a better Place now.

  3. “I imagine the Neighborhood is a little bit of a better Place now.”

    This video made all the Gun Porn sites when it first happened. Common consensus was the world is a slightly better place now.

  4. aircubed
    FEBRUARY 24, 2023 AT 4:34 PM
    “The Goy’s would have had a chance if they had been armed.”

    …maybe, but not a great one. When the shooting starts, the first shots go wild, and the couple doesn’t even seem to realize that’s what they are. Their reaction is “Huh?” until its too late.

    I’m not sure they EVER figured it out. The woman continued to curse at the guy shooting her even after he shot her.

    Probably not the best way to get him to not shoot her again.


  5. Speaking for myself I try to live by the Savior’s Golden Rule and I wish I could say that was because I am 100% a great Christian. The sad reality what helps me live the Golden Rule is the reality that one never knows who is batshit crazy, has a gun and is just not in the mood for it today.

    Something Karens should ponder but don’t… otherwise they would not be Karens. I’m not saying the shooting was justified I’m just saying SNS nailed it on the head.

    To be sure I have my own fire arms and should society fall apart or the 2nd Civil break out in between killing the Mutant Zombie Bikers or Pro Groomer party members (depending on the version of societal collapse) I will ponder The Savior’s Golden rule and His admonition towards those that offend little children and millstones. But I don’t have to worry about those theological musings yet.

  6. In the 70’s, my father knew an old retired man who he said was a mild-mannered Christian and all-around great guy. A dickhead guy used to block his driveway every time he mowed the lot across the street from him, even though it was unnecessary to do so. One day the old man needed to leave and asked the dickhead guy to move his truck and trailer. Dickhead guy told him to shut the hell up and that he’d move when he was finished mowing. The good man snapped, retrieved his M-1 Garand and walked across the street and blew the guy away. My dad was a character witness at his trial. I can’t help but believe that the old man did society a favor. I don’t remember what the outcome of the trial was. I’ll bet the old man shot a few Nazis in his day and just reached his breaking point.

  7. Dr. Hambone

    I’m remembering back when this occurred and there were a few people posting that they were familiar with this situation and that the shooter had just finally had enough and snapped. There are better ways to resolve a conflict. Being smarter than the assholes helps.

  8. Hard lesson to learn, and the gunman was right “You should have kept your mouth shut! Pussy huh?” POW!

    Just another cold blooded murder in the hood….white hood this time.

  9. @ Brad FEBRUARY 24, 2023 AT 6:36 PM

    When this story first came out there were a lot, not a few, a lot of people commenting below the local news articles that the couple had been absolutely obsessed with pushing this guy’s buttons. That they were not at all surprised that he finally reached the breaking point.

    I’m not in any way trying to make it appear that I condone him going all Final Solution on them, nor were the local people who were commenting making any excuses for his actions. They were simply saying that there was a lot leading up to this event that was left out that might help people understand that it took a lot of effort on the couple’s part to get things to that point.

    I also want to make it perfectly clear that this is what I read and have no way of knowing if it has any validity whatsoever.

  10. JDHasty

    Human nature is pretty ugly really. At least with some people. Every bodies Billy Bad Ass until the male Peacock Strut shit ends and it’s time to do Bill Bad Ass shit. Anybody that’s been in a street fight doesn’t ever want to get into one again. There are no winners. Busted knuckles and scraped up knees and elbows are not victory. It’s just who gets the most damage I guess. The conversation between to feuding experienced adult males should go something like this, You’re an asshole, no, your an asshole, no your an asshole. Should we call it a draw and walk away. I owe you one more “Your an asshole” and then were even. I’m good with that. Have a nice day.
    Stupid shit really. But that’s probably where this started. Throw in a big mouthed bitch and it only gets worse.

  11. I live in a small town in Missouri because my son is the supervisor of a Biofeuls plant here and thus my Grandkids are here. One of my other 3 sons lives here as well.

    The town is small and impoverished. Most folk here are very humble and decent but my neighbors on one side are crackheads and a raging achololic lives on the other.

    Lucky me. Anyhow our lots are large and I had a fence put on mine. I hired a young hungry small contractor to install it and he made a rookie mistake planting the north side posts about six inches onto my neighbors property.

    My rich old lady neighbor behind me got my north neighbors all stirred up about it, so the guys wife went apeshit.

    He and I always got along, so he came over and told me how upset they were.

    I went to eyeball the three posts in question and while the error was small I immediately had him come out and reset them.

    He even went and apologized on his own to the neighbors but as he was black I think that just stirred them up more.

    We filled in the holes and seeded them and all evidence of the crime are healed but to this day they still act bitchy when I’m around.

    Thus I ensure my Roscoe is prominently displayed even when I mow my grass.

    Good guns make for better neighbors. If people can be this crazy about such small mistakes it
    pays to keep them wary.


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