3 UVA Phi Kappa Psi Members Sue Rolling Stone Over Fake Rape Article – IOTW Report

3 UVA Phi Kappa Psi Members Sue Rolling Stone Over Fake Rape Article

HA HA nelson muntz


Via UPI:

Three former members of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity at the University of Virginia filed a defamation lawsuit against Rolling Stone on Wednesday for a now-retracted article the magazine published about a gang rape.

In April, Rolling Stone officially retracted an article written by Sabrina Erdely which told of the rape of a UVA student identified as “Jackie” at a party at the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house. Fraternity members denied any wrongdoing and Charlottesville, Va., police said there was no evidence to support the story.

But months passed between the story was published and when it was officially walked back. During that time, three former members of the fraternity said people identified them as being involved in the fictitious rape based on details in the story.



5 Comments on 3 UVA Phi Kappa Psi Members Sue Rolling Stone Over Fake Rape Article

  1. Only $75k each? Chicken feed.

    Between UVA’s lawsuit, these guys, and the negative publicity (if the LSM even carry these trials) Rolling Stoned should take a helluva hit. May they go down in flames.

  2. If it goes to trial, $75K per victim could pale in comparison to the punitive damages a jury can impose in addition to the compensation. No matter what, it is going to cost RS a lot more than this article might lead one to believe.

  3. This the same garbage magazine that just wrote a Cosby-rape article comparing the actor and his wife’s dysfunctional relationship to… Trump and ex-wife Ivana. Huh? WTF?

    Gee… one thinks that the natural comparison of cheating husbands and enabling wives would be Cosby / Clinton. Natural, right? Not in the collectivist, fetid, fish-wrap known as “Rolling Stone”.

    Whatever happened to their music news theme?

    I hope that when the UVA boyz [sic] get finished with this poor excuse for “journalism”, that they’ll be publishing out of the basement of the Elizabeth City Downtown YMCA using a 1960’s mimeograph machine.

  4. Nah… some George Soros-funded front company will buy it and run it at a loss. They do the “Spookey Dude’s” bidding and carry his water, so like good little apparatchiks, they will take one for the team, and in turn, will be cared for at the Old Progressive’s Home.

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