30 Times Stacey Abrams Denied 2018 Election Results – IOTW Report

30 Times Stacey Abrams Denied 2018 Election Results

Daily Fetched: As President Donald Trump is indicted in Georgia, a new video showing Democrat Stacey Abrams repeatedly denying her 2018 election loss against Republican Brian Kemp has gone viral on social media.

The clip, posted by RNC Research, showed the failed Georgia governor candidate claiming the election was “rigged,” “stolen,” and that “the process was not fair.”

During one clip, Abrams says, “But I didn’t lose, I got the votes, but we won’t know exactly how many because of how they cheated.” MORE

9 Comments on 30 Times Stacey Abrams Denied 2018 Election Results

  1. One note I have seen the past couple of days is that Georgia may not have standing as Trump’s actions relate to a federal election. It could get pushed to federal court, where it would likely falter.
    But… Abrams’ race was a state race. In Georgia.
    Oh, but she’s a Dem. So nevermind.

  2. It doesn’t matter if the thing is valid in court ot not. The point is to harrass, intimidate, distract with endless legal proceedings and bankrupt with ungodly legal fees, with one misstep leading to default judgement for the prosecution.

    That’s how lawfare works. The court is basically irrelevant, the process is the punishment.

    And this isn’t just about President Trump either. Its to scare anyone who DOESN’T have billions of dollars away from supporting President Trump or they’ll be ruined by the process as well.

    …ask General Flynn how that works…

  3. The last video I saw of Trump he looks tired. Can’t imagine anyone who could bear 6 years of inquisitions and persecutions. And without any support from the Senate and only a little from the House. I am ashamed of my government.

  4. Anonymous AT 6:11 PM
    “The last video I saw of Trump he looks tired. Can’t imagine anyone who could bear 6 years of inquisitions and persecutions. And without any support from the Senate and only a little from the House. I am ashamed of my government.”

    …and don’t forget that he has NO attorney/client privilege by Court precident and that ANY of his own lawyers can turn on him at any time viz. Michael Cohen.



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