31-Year-Old NFL Player Suffered Sudden Stroke at Home – IOTW Report

31-Year-Old NFL Player Suffered Sudden Stroke at Home


At six-foot-six and 301 powerful pounds, Carolina Panthers defensive end Henry Anderson seemed otherwise entirely healthy. But in October, the 31-year-old player suddenly suffered a stroke that threatened to end his playing career.

Anderson says that he was at home on Oct. 22 when he began feeling his legs going numb and found his speech slurred.

“It was a stroke, so it’s basically like a blood clot in your brain,” Anderson explained, ESPN reported.

The player was rushed to the hospital where he underwent a battery of tests. Doctors found the blood clot in his brain and sent him to surgery to have it removed. more

17 Comments on 31-Year-Old NFL Player Suffered Sudden Stroke at Home

  1. Fool me once, shame on you.
    Fool me twice, shame on Putin.
    Fool me thrice, shame on Trump
    Fool me 4 times, shame on the unmasked.
    Fool me 5 times, shame on the unjabbed.
    Fool me 6 times, Shame on the children.
    Fool me 7 times, the end of democracy.

  2. It was recently revealed to me that my paranoid highly vaxxed Nephew in law passed out face down in his driveway. Ambulance called by the neighbors that saw it and the medics had to revive him a bit. He’s 38 and in perfect health. Dehydration was blamed by his paranoid highly vaxxed wife (my niece) and verified by my paranoid highly vaxxed sister……..They wouldn’t let me come see my newborn Grand Nephew because I won’t be vaxxed or wear a mask until the little man finally went to daycare and brought home all sorts of little bacteria that almost killed his highly vaxxed and paranoid parents……My natural immunity discussions finally kicked in, though they still think of me as an ignorant lollypop….Uncle Willy knows better….

  3. “The risk factors [for Stroke] include:

    Sedentary life
    Binge Drinking
    High blood pressure
    High cholesterol
    Family history of stroke
    Cardiovascular diseases
    Age – people above age 55 are at higher risk
    Gender [should be Sex] – men are at high risk of stroke than women”
    (Source: Focus Medica)

    Dude doesn’t seem to fit the bill – ceptin he’s a man.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Ghost of Burner DECEMBER 10, 2022 AT 12:26 PM

    I find it sad living in this “we and them” world sometimes. Some I don’t even wish to be around as I believe the results of their actions will possibly end up killing their children if not at a minimum destroying their immune systems.

    One gave me the greatest argument ever. “Well there’s two sides to every story.”

    Yah, there’s perhaps another few hundred more on my side that you refuse to acknowledge or look at and If you wish I can invalidate the few that you might bring that have any data at all. But still, “There’s two sides to every story.” completely destroys any argument I might have. That’s why at that point I dropped the discussion/subject.

    I believe Mr. Carlin once said (I doubt it was original to him) “Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


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