*** Thankful for all near and far *** – IOTW Report

*** Thankful for all near and far ***

thanksgiving military

9 Comments on *** Thankful for all near and far ***

  1. God bless our troops. You are loved by real Americans.

    And, God, please don’t let Obama* anywhere near our troops this Thanksgiving and Christmas time. They don’t deserve to be tortured by seeing him.

    *Ha! Like he would want anything to do with them. But just in case someone thinks it would be a good photo-op; don’t let it happen!

  2. To every Man or Woman brave enough to write the US Government a blank check for up to and including your life, who endured and continue to endure privations, hardship, deployment far from home; I don’t care what your job is, if it’s peeling potatoes, wrenching on equipment, soldering boards, plotting material deliveries, or slogging through the mud…
    I am deeply grateful for your professionalism, your sacrifice, your willingness to place yourself between all of us and all uncountable dangers.
    Way more grateful than words can adequately convey.
    Thank you

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