Elitist Moron GOPers Look Down Their Noses At Working Class Stiffs – IOTW Report

Elitist Moron GOPers Look Down Their Noses At Working Class Stiffs

The GOP has a race problem. White people. Working class whites, who make up half of the Republican voters, are rebelling against the Republican orthodoxies of free trade and trickle down economics that have turned their communities into ghost towns.

Shocked by their support of Donald Trump, some elitist conservative thinkers are calling places like Garbutt, NY pockets of misery, welfare fraud and dope addiction. They say let these towns die. Turns out Garbutt is not like that at all. – Charlie LeDuff

Daily Caller: In an early March article for National Review, writer and theater critic Kevin Williamson wrote a piece about economically depressed, mostly white working class cities around the country which have generated substantial support for Trump’s candidacy. In Williamson’s words, towns such as Garbutt, N.Y. “deserve to die” along with their way of life, because they are worthless hubs of drug addiction, government dependency, and degenerate morality.

Please see LeDuff’s video after the

ht/ jerry manderin

11 Comments on Elitist Moron GOPers Look Down Their Noses At Working Class Stiffs

  1. Man I’ve been with National Review since 1968.
    It pissed me off when Chris Buckley, Bill’s son, went with Obama.
    OK Chris quit after that, or was fired, who the fuck knows.
    Then NR had a run in with one of their most prolific writers, Mark Steyn And dumped him.. Pissed me off a little more
    Then Rich Lowry, Editor, sided with Al Sharpton in the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case. Wow did that ever piss me off!
    Then came a huge report by Managing Editor, Jason Lee Steorts,
    (Hope I spelled that right) on the wonderfulness of marriage betwix whothefuckever. That got me thinking.
    I mean, what the fuck? “God and Man at Yale,” Bill Buckley?
    And now this?
    The Editors and writers of National Review, who I love and admire, and read constantly, are turning against me. This recent article about Carbutt, NY, is about people like me, people from a small village. People who busted their arses all their lives to have a little house,raise a family, an yes Williamson, have a white picket fence.
    Fuck y’all. Hey Jack Fowler, don’t bother me no more, never.

  2. Rebelling against free trade and trickle down economics? That’s funny—personally, I am rebelling against a GOP that has allowed a POS leftist asshole and his minions to run roughshod over my country, without even lifting a finger to defend it.
    MoeTom, I’m with ya. NR lost me when they fired John Derbyshire for daring to speak what they didn’t want said. Lowry’s excuse was that Derb was using his notoriety as a writer for NR to publish racist pieces in other magazines. The Steyn thing was just the icing on the cake. Still enjoy reading Jonah, though.

  3. Hard to believe anyone bothered with them after that entire issue dedicated to smearing the front runner. Hated to see Sowell join in on the pile on.

    I stopped subscribing when Buckley endorsed Obama and topped it off calling Palin a danger to the country. Why do REgressives always call people who disagree a danger?

    I also used to get the Weakly Standard, in fact I was a charter subscriber. Stopped that shit too years ago.

    Saw that great video yesterday at CTH-Williamson is a fucking jerk…make that an irrelevant jerk.

  4. The worst sound to me ears is listening to members of congress-especially Nancy Peolsi talk about the importance of “jahbs” when in reality they have excelled at running jobs out of the country. Great video and I do what Chalie does a lot too- look at labels to see where everything is made.


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