~~~~~~ – IOTW Report



12 Comments on ~~~~~~

  1. According to an islamic imam, illary’s spitting out phlegm is actually the result of Satan having impregnated illary and this is her way of giving birth to Satan’s spawn.

    And I believe EVERY WORD of that.

  2. Watched another one of the videos on YouTube covering the sins of Hillary from the earliest days to now. The litany of crimes and felonies proven to be hers and hers together with SlickWillie are unbelievable. Media protection is all there is keeping these two from being convicted and stoned. And I don’t mean with dope. How the media can hope to survive this shitstorm is proof positive of the Dunning-Kruger syndrome pegging off-scale again. Also partaking and protecting these two are the bought off traitors Loretta Lynch, James Comey, the Obamas, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, the RINOs, and a host of Congress Critters. Payback is coming, and coming quickly.

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