Instant Karma for Trump Hater – IOTW Report

Instant Karma for Trump Hater

Trump hater gets Instant Karma!!

As you can see by the worn grass, some idiot kept mowing down the Trump signs. So the owner put in a nail strip.


This reminds of something my dad did years ago. He worked in construction. One jerk, every morning, would mow down all their traffic cones. The guy did it like clockwork, and would roll his window down and laugh as he went by.

So, my dad gave him a little gift. He sunk a rebar rod into the road and put the cone on top of it.


Found via GAB –> 


27 Comments on Instant Karma for Trump Hater

  1. I had someone run over my wooden steaks at the end of my drive. Had caution tape across drive while working on it. So I got two plastic five gallon buckets filled them with rocks the size of grapefruit and bigger. Put my stakes in the buckets.Sure enough they hit the buckets sending the rocks far into my front yard.enjoined every minute picking them up.

  2. I remember there was a farmer in Central Calif who had a mailbox at the end of his driveway and some local assholes kept hitting it with their vehicle and breaking the post off at ground level, which made it a pain in the ass to change out. He went to the scrap yard and bought a steel “I” Beam (4×6 by 8ft. I think) Planted that in the ground so it would be at the right height…THEN he built a wooden box around it so if you were just driving by and glanced at it you would think it was just another wooden post.

    One day he was delighted to see the flashing lights of a tow truck in the road hooking up the culprit, a local neighbor kid who totaled his dad’s pick-up truck. It never happened again!

  3. Lots of good schadenfreude stories out there.

    Years ago my brothers’ father-in-law, who was employed as a bulldozer operator, had trouble with someone continuing to take his lunch or parts of it. That is until his daughter cooked him some brownies laced with a large helping of ex-law. It wasn’t long till the culprit was seen making several trips to the woods or the porta-potty all afternoon. A couple of trips he didn’t make it in time, and he had no clean pants in his truck.

  4. There was this kid kept kicking the jack-o’-lanterns on my front porch. So I took a pumpkin cut the top off and put a bowling ball inside it and put the top back on. I remember screams at midnight glorious glorious screams at midnight.

  5. I lived on an unlit street that became a shortcut for assholes.
    They would rocket through at night.
    We were sixteen, learning to do ‘activities’ at night.
    We painted two by fours black and laid them in the road with cord leading to our hiding bushes.
    They would run them over at high speed and stop to see what they hit to find an empty road

  6. When my nephew was about eight years old the Amish down the street would take his bicycle and then ride past him in the cul de sac and get him to chase them. So I said: Christian, I am going to put this solid maple bowling pin in the newspaper box right here, just keep your back turned to them as they ride by and slowly move over close to the paper box until you are right next to it and let them make a couple passes and they will get closer each time. I mounted a driveway mirror where he could see them coming from behind and told him that when they were coming past close enough to touch you: which is what they were doing, taunt him – wait until they actually reach out to touch you and only have one hand on the handle bar of the bike and grab the bowling pin and swing it back into their face as hard as you can swing it.

    When I got home from work my brother in law was furious. There was blood all over the cul de sac and he said: are you fucking out of your Goddamned mind, Christian almost killed a kid today with a bowling pin and he said you coached him on how to do it.

    Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit, all I did was put a stop to the bullying that had been going on for months. The little bastard would have never run into that bowling pin on a stolen bicycle if he had not been on a stolen bicycle in the first place.

  7. No shit Doc

    Ol’ JD don’t like to pay for the same ground twice and once it is clear that any further discussion is not going to yeild any progress and the decision is made to wrap things up, I like to get them wrapped up once and for all.

  8. I can attest that rebar works very well. You angle it into the ground behind the sign, buried deep. It will go right thru the grill and the radiator, and do a lot of damage. Much worse than a flat tire. And hey, you just say you were creating a sturdy mount for your sign.

  9. where i grew up, the farmers that suffered baseball bat-itis to their mail boxes from the local dumb ass punk, most would take the super sized mail box of about 2ft x 3ft x 4ft and put a normal sized mb concreted inside it stick it all on a post.

  10. Blink,

    I did the elax thing in Jr High. There was this kid who was good at picking those cheap combo locks they gave us. He would steal the good stuff from your lunch. So I slowly melted three ex lax sections and brushed it on the underside of a milky way bar, resealed the wrapper and left it the lunch bag.
    He took the bait. I found out later he had a nasty diarrhea day. VICTORY!

  11. When in Jr High (seventh-grade) I had a friend tip me off that a BIG ninth-grader was going to ambush me in shop class. I cut a piece of 3/4 plywood and slipped inside my jacket and when he came around the corner I covered my face and let him punch me in the bread basket.

    No wrestling season for him! Shattered everything up to the elbow. The hit blew be off my feet, and was as solid as if I were hit with a baseball bat at full swing.

  12. BFH, I think your dad and my dad would have gotten along pretty good.
    One time my dad grabbed the keys out of some drunk asshole’s ignition and placed them in his gas tank. lol. He worked construction too.

    I like the rebar trick.

  13. @JDHasty, with two pieces of hardwood for handles and some para-cord between them you could have beat the living daylights out of the guy.
    We used chain instead of para-cord back in 7th grade wood shop. The cord is quieter.

  14. I use to frequent an old beer and sandwich joint owned by an old Recon Marine buddy. It had two restrooms with toilets only, no urinal. Some asshole kept punching a hole with his fist in the sheetrock over the toilet and Fred was getting fed up fixing it. He took a piece of 3/4 in plywood that would just fit between the studs and shot it full of 16 coated sinkers about an inch apart. Glued the board on the inside of the hole with the nails facing the hole the did the repair again. About three weeks later after the texture and paint are good and cured it happened again…never did find out who it was but there was a bloody trail leading out the back door to the parking lot.

  15. Me too, Unruly. Loving the stories.

    It’s like I’m with brothers. lol

    I’m all for instant karma with bullies, thieves and hooligans.

    Bonus after a project gets the desired results – they’re scared shitless about what the next level might be if you’re crazy enough, smart enough and mean enough to pull it off.

  16. And the nice thing is who’s going to call the cops to tell them that while engaged in illegal activity, their car’s radiator, front end, etc. was mangled to a fair thee well?

    The photos to the story are priceless! Ain’t karma a bitch?

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