Feel like you’re wasting your life? – IOTW Report

Feel like you’re wasting your life?

17 Comments on Feel like you’re wasting your life?

  1. As I have gotten older I look back at my life and I can see the ‘life wasted’ time period.
    20’s to 60’s shot a shitload of guns at the range.
    20’s raced cars and bikes Drag strip and track. Rode all over the USA on a bike in my 30’s
    Got married in my 40’s. Rode bike less.
    Won lottery in my 50’s retired and bought way too much shit.
    Late 50’s started reading IOTW.
    60’s can’t believe I am still alive.

  2. I wonder how many ‘gals’ at the march have too much skin/flaps in the vagina area.
    Never knew this problem existed till I saw the story a few days ago here.
    Now I can’t stop thinking about it.

  3. Here in DC you still see women wearing their pink pussyhats as they go about shopping, subway, and mostly in and out of their drone jobs in Federal government offices.

    These women are usually overweight with jowly scowls, past their prime, waddling along.
    I imagine they drive 2004 Subaru’s with COEXIST and HRC stickers and can prattle for hours about the distinctive personalities of their “fur babies”.

  4. Thanks, but no thanks…I just stayed home today. I’d never want to even be seen dead with women who ‘marched’! Best to remain home and read a good book or watch a great movie, IMHO, beyotches! Doing laundry is a helluva more fulfilling than ‘marching’!

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