~~~~~ – IOTW Report


49 Comments on ~~~~~

  1. Then he went to dinner and told Xi Jinping: “Eight years of the phoney-baloney plastic banana republic socialist hood-ornament with his Village People diplomacy, who knew Hu to kiss and Wen, is over! Get yer retarded little NORK reigned in!”

  2. Serious adults.

    No dopers, no Bi-Curious.
    No Affirmative Action recipients.
    No little girls in Tina Fey glasses, Graduating Class Of 2011.

    America is back.

  3. I’m starting to question the role of Jared and Ivanka. I’d be more comfortable if they had a more ceremonial role than a policy role. They make a cute couple couple though, especially Ivanka.

  4. It drives me nuts, I can’t proofread for shit. I’ll re-read a comment, see no problem, hit post, and think I’m good. As soon as I do that I’ll read it again and see a glaring mistake. Damn it!

  5. “I’m starting to question the role of Jared and Ivanka.”

    I can’t disagree pal. Is he grooming them? A structure he is use too? Comfort? Trump still playing 3d chess. I doubt Jared more than I do Ivanka.

  6. I’ll gladly follow DJT and Benjamin Netanyahu. Good enough for me.

    MJA, what the hell is up with that? Trumps got more support on the Right Poop right now than Breitbart.

  7. joe6pak, Bad_Brad- I was never a fan of those two myself. I don’t hate them, but something about them just bothers me. In the same way I never warmed up to Laura Bush. She’s a lefty and had GW by the ear.

  8. BB- I think Breitbart got a flood of pro-hillary and soros crowd. But I expected that. But the ripping of clothing, hand wringing and gnashing of teeth by the (R) crowd is a little weird.

  9. “I think we all remember where we were when they woke Obama to let him know our heroic Seal Team had killed Osama Bin Laden.

    Good times.”

    And when some seal team 6 was killed soon after. I believe by a traitorous potus.

    Not so good times.

  10. MJA, Ivanka is impressive, no question. I keep hearing about Jared and Bannon butting heads. I’ll take Bannon thank you very much. I dunno. I love Trump, I love the game Trumps been playing. Is this all fake news? Maybe.

  11. MJA, I think Jared is too liberal for my taste. Ivanka is great for helping present a confident, feminine side of things, but she may be a bit too liberal as well.

  12. MJA
    ” I think Breitbart got a flood of pro-hillary and soros crowd”

    Actually we had one or two show up here today. I guess they were given their Soros bucks and marching orders.

  13. It’s because 8 years of 0bama doing nothing to stop terrorism or even talk about it and now people don’t know how to act when all of a sudden the preezy says knock it off, and does something about it. lol.
    But I think we can all agree that we shouldn’t be babysitting those assholes in the middle east, hand them everything and then they stab us in the back again like in iraq. Ugh. Just kick em in the balls – financially, militarily, whatever – when they fuck up and then we come home.

  14. Yeah, I’d take Bannon over them any day. But I guess Ivanka can be useful. I’m really interested in getting rid of Paul Ryan and McCain right now. Without those 2, the RINO’s have no spine. lol.

  15. Lindsey the fag, and Mcstain now finally support a Trump decision. WTF is up with that? The two gayest Reps desire blood letting. And then you have Rand Paul running his mouth and in return Mcstain doing his best to insult him. My aching head I guess all thing considered thats OK. We got one hell of a Supreme court justice today and that in itself make the Trump presidency a success. But we all know he’s not done yet. I keep questioning a few things he’s doing and then I remember, he seems to be a lot freaken smarter than me.

  16. Bannon reminds me of Cheney. And I absolutely think the world of Dick Cheney. I guess some dumb ass network is making a very negative movie about Cheney. I’m all for tracking them down and killing them. Free speech ya know. Just trying to express my self.

  17. Juan and Lindsay will applaud anyone firing a missile on either side of the aisle for whatever reasons. They’re creepy one trick ponies and they don’t matter to me. I’ve learned to ignore them.
    Rand can really work my nerves sometimes, [Yes, he was in my top 3 during the primaries] so just for that, mccain can say whatever he likes about him for now. haha.
    Seriously, you can’t like every little thing Trump does. I mean, it’s not possible. There will be times you will second guess and disagree, but if he’s doing 80% right, I’m okay with it. Nobody’s perfect. If Trump were perfect, I’d be suspicious. lol

  18. I would have liked Cheney to be president in GW’s second term, knowing what I know now.
    Man, the last 9 or 10 years have been a real eye-opener, haven’t they? I never paid but 38% of my attention to politics before 0bama. Although I’ve had a pure hate-on for McCain since 2000.

  19. “Seriously, you can’t like every little thing Trump does”

    LOL, when he tweeted “Just found out Obama wire tapped me”

    I thought, oh my God, you cant be throwing shit like that around. Like I said, he’s a lot smarter than me. Which my wife says isn’t that tough to do.

  20. MJA, the thing about Dick Cheney is, there’s no bigger Patriot. Probably as smart as Trump. And tuff. Name another person that can live this long without a beating heart. His daughters no slouch either.

  21. joe6pak,
    Did you ever see the picture of JR Senator BoRock Obama standing outside Cheneys limo with his hand outstretched and Cheneys looking at him like who the fuck are you. It’s priceless.

  22. Joe6pak,

    I think they scrubbed that photo. If I ever find it again I’ll email it to you. It’s worth framing.

    MJA, You can shoot too. LOL. And Joe and I will do all the cooking.

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