1. So, I was wondering how soon a Michael Kors or a Calvin Klein designer type will come out with ready to wear Kevlar shirts jackets and pants? Stylish life saving clothing for every occasion. I think there is a market for it.

  2. BBC is still trying to confirm the identity of those behind this ‘incident’, but they did confirm that the white van that they drove in is definitely Caucasian.

  3. ‘nothing to see here … move on … go on about your business …. ‘
    ‘I encourage you all to go shopping more… ‘

    hey, it’s just a few Ewoks here & there …. our ‘betters’ don’t really mind if the Morlocks pick off a few, here & there, every few days … helps decrease the surplus, after all ….

  4. I haven’t pointed this out in a while, so I’ll say it again now.

    Mohammadmen want peace exactly the same way the Soviets wanted peace. Both use the same definition: we will have peace when we have achieved our goal of totalitarian control over the whole world.

  5. Sad for the not-so great Britain.
    But damn it, you have totally forgotten your History and your willingness to fight for your safety and the safety of your family.
    Stop appeasement, excuses and political suicide before it’s too late.

  6. The Brits conquered 1/4 of the world and civilized it within a few generations. Armed with wooden ships and rifles.
    India, Egypt, most of Africa, Asia.
    At the end of WW2 fully 25% of the planets population were British subjects. And Churchill for PM.
    The Left destroyed the labor of centuries in a few short decades.
    And now the English are reduced to this–cringing in numb sheeplike Reply
    Paralyzed before the descendants of their ancestors’ latrine attendants.

    H. G.Wells predicted.
    Orwell warned.

  7. The most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayerThe most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayer.

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