4 people shot in broad daylight in Harlem – no description of the man in any report tells me he was black – IOTW Report

4 people shot in broad daylight in Harlem – no description of the man in any report tells me he was black


None of the stories mentions the race of the shooter even though it was witnessed by multiple people. There is a vague reference to a man dressed in black.

One story says the shooting was caught on surveillance, but the police offer no description of the man.

Story HERE

Story HERE

Story HERE

Story HERE

Was he wearing a confederate flag?

12 Comments on 4 people shot in broad daylight in Harlem – no description of the man in any report tells me he was black

  1. SO much black-on-black, black-on-white, black-on-whatever crime, only to be followed at night by some nitwit such as Kirsten Powers preach to us how “racist” whites are..an epidemic, people like her say.

    Well, no SH!T Sherlock…how are non-blacks to perceive the black community?

    It reminds me of the saying “the beatings will continue until morale improves”…

  2. 4 people shot in Harlem, the Stars & Bars had no comment. Police are looking into the alibi of the Stars & Bars, an arrest warrant for the Stars and Bars is expected soon.

  3. Amazingly similar to corrupt politician stories when it involves a (D). In those stories if party affiliation wasn’t mentioned, you knew it was a Dem.

    I loved the trick they used for democrat representatives when the got in trouble. The story would say “(Rep) Dumasatwat has been charged with….”

    Our “free press” are slaves of the democrat plantation, and they like it.

  4. We had the same issue here in Toronto a number of years ago. The number of violent crimes committed by blacks on blacks reached a number high enough that a number of outlets stopped including race as part of the description of the suspects wanted. This stopped when people finally realized the absurdity of issuing a description that failed to include the most salient feature of the suspect. Stunning displays of liberal stupidity and racial profiling.

  5. Just like in CA. Every time a crime was committed and they didn’t give descriptions, we knew it was an illegal alien. The reporters would sweat and stumble trying to say “undocumented migrant” if there was a follow up. lol.

  6. Kristin Powers is a fucking idiot. Benito. Billo is a jerk. He bent himself into a pretzel tonight defending her and defending obama’s statement that racism is in OUR DNA.

    BTW. The perp who shot four in Harlem was INCOG-NEGRO.

    I salute Joe Dan Gorman for the description. (froglegs)

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