40 Years Ago, D.C. Faced Off With Muslim Hostage Takers – IOTW Report

40 Years Ago, D.C. Faced Off With Muslim Hostage Takers

On March 9-11 1977  a Nation of Islam splinter group, the Hadafi Movement, held 150 people hostage and killed two people at the D.C. city hall building. Most of their hostages were taken and held at the B’nai B’rith headquarters in Washington, D.C.


For the life of me, I didn’t remember this happening.

15 Comments on 40 Years Ago, D.C. Faced Off With Muslim Hostage Takers

  1. They shot Marion Barry and didn’t finish the job. They suck. I don’t remember this either.
    The Muzzies are hacking people up left and right in Switzerland and Germany for the last couple days. The coverage on CNN seems a little lacking.

  2. I was 25, living in Denver, and working–I had no clue about this. I asked my husband and he doesn’t remember it either. We lived outside of DC for awhile (when Marion was caught on camera) and this was never mentioned. I just read more about it after seeing this and that Khaalis guy was discharged from the Army for mental instability and released from an arrest for extortion because of mental illness. I wonder why no one remembers this? Were we protecting Muslims then too–Jimmy was President then.

  3. WRAL talked about it. Not many clips available for that day on u-tube.

    I don’t remember it either. I was a sophmore that year and mostly concerned with female anatomy classes.

    Off subject to a cronkite broadcast of the day. Comes in three parts.

    1st part includes Carter wisdom regarding pali refugees and energy cost (end of the world) & Dont’t think I’ll make it thru part 2.

    If you can bear to listen…
    The CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite – 3/17/77 – pt. 1!

  4. Benito! Dude! WTF?

    Repeat after me: What are you doing for your 29th birthday this year, MJA?

    Rinse then use again when needed, Benito.

    It’s unbelievable how you’ve survived this long…

  5. Don’t remember this either. But you take hostages for ransom, the payoff is usually financial or political gain; and, for it to work you need to capture and hold someone that is of value. Considering the location of this event most of the people there are either politicians or bureaucrats. Maybe when the hostage takers realized the actual value the hostages, they just called the whole thing off.

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